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In a category 4 or 5 hurricane hurricane, sustained winds are strong enough to tear the roof from a house. When a house loses its roof, the walls may become unstable and continued exposure to extreme wuinds can sause them to collapse. In somce cases, weaker walls may give way even if thr roof is not removed. If a house if poorly anchored, it may shift off its foundation and collapse.

Wind is not the main factor in most hurricanes, though. Hurricanes, can produce severe flooding along the coastline and in low-lying areas. Water can carry much more force than wind, in some cases enough tat it can easily wash houses away.

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Hurricanes have strong winds that can reach high speeds, which can put significant pressure on buildings. The combination of strong winds and flying debris can cause structural damage to homes, leading to them being blown down or severely damaged during a hurricane.

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Q: How do hurricanes blow down houses?
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Why are hurricanes so devastating?

Cause they can Blow Houses and Windows and Bulidings and Kill people.

Can a wolf blow down houses?

As from the fairytale Little Red Riding hood, this is a myth. A wolf couldn't blow down a house no matter how hard it tried!

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How many pigs houses does the Big Bad Wolf try to huff puff and blow down?

He blows down 2 but tries to blow down three.

What damage strong wind can cause?

Blow some branches off older trees. Rip shingles off houses if they are not held down good. (Most shingles should be ok.) Blow down tall vegetation. If soil is saturated with water, it can blow down entire trees. Blow over unloaded semi trailers. Blow over small metal buildings that aren't fastened down. Overturn picnic tables.

can wolves blow down cinder blocks?

Wolves do not hunt their prey by blowing down houses (as in the tale of the 3 little pigs). They run their pray down before dispatching it with their teeth.

How many houses are destroyed due to hurricanes per year?

On average, hurricanes destroy hundreds to thousands of houses per year. The exact number can vary widely depending on the number and intensity of hurricanes that year, as well as the preparedness and resilience of the affected communities.

How bad can hurricanes become?

Hurricanes can blow you're trees away and wrip you're homes away to detah and you can die really easily!

What is the rising action for the true story of the 3 little pigs?

The problem of the three little pigs is that they all build their own houses but they have to face the wolf. Unfortunately the two pigs died and the wolf blew their houses away except the third one. The third house was made by brick which the wolf cannot blow.

Does a wolf have a lung capacity to blow down a brick house?

No, a wolf does not have enough lung capacity to blow down a brick house. The concept of wolves blowing down houses is a myth popularized by fairy tales like "The Three Little Pigs." Wolves rely on their strength and agility for hunting and survival, not on huffing and puffing to blow down structures.

What type of houses do Jamaicans live in?

hello we live in regular houses even better than American house because its concrete so that the hurricane doesn't blow it down so that makes houses in Jamaica amazing