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they act all crazy then they comit a suiside by fartting and that makes the earthquake even louder

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3w ago

During earthquakes, humans typically seek shelter under sturdy furniture or in doorways to protect themselves from falling debris. For volcanic eruptions, people may evacuate the area to escape from lava flows, ash clouds, or mudslides. It is essential to follow emergency protocols and evacuation procedures to minimize risk and ensure safety during these natural disasters.

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Q: How do humans respond to earthquakes and eruptions?
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instrument that respond to ground motions such as caused by earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and explosions

How volcanic eruptions differ from earthquakes?

volcanic eruptions are hotter

Where the most earthquakes?

there are usually alot of earthquakes/volcanic eruptions in Italy.

Are geologists more successful in predicting volcanic eruptions than earthquakes?

Yes-- they are more successful in predictiong volcanic eruptions than earthquakes

The Ring of Fire has many earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.?

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Do earthquakes occur prior to volcanic eruptions?

The answer is No.

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Do earthquakes make volcanoe eruptions?

a lot

Can people stop earthquakes or volcanic eruption?

We do not know how to stop earthquakes or volcanic eruptions.

Why do animals and plants become extinct even when humans are not interfering with the environment?

animals can die from natural disaters like: tsunamis, earthquakes, volcano eruptions, and meteors.

Are earthquakes the only things that cause volcanic eruptions?

No. Eruptions are caused by magma moving up from the mantle. Earthquakes can be a sign of magma pushing the earth out of its way (causing the earthquake) which lead to the eruptions and potentially tsunamis.

Are volcanic eruptions preceded by small earthquakes?
