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A geologist studies sandstorms. They study the saltation which is the main mechanism for the movement of sand. They study how they form and how they move.

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Cyclones, their formation and their paths are studied by meteorologists.

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Q: How do geologest track and reasurch sandstorms?
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How is sandstorms measured and detected?

Sandstorms can be measured and detected using various instruments such as weather stations, satellites, and ground-based sensors. Parameters such as wind speed, visibility, and particulate matter concentration are monitored to detect the presence of a sandstorm. Advanced technologies like remote sensing and meteorological models are also used to forecast and track sandstorms in real-time.

What desert has sandstorms that can last for days?

The Sahara Desert is known for its sandstorms that can last for several days due to the strong winds and vast expanses of sand. These sandstorms, also known as "siroccos," can create hazardous conditions for both people and wildlife in the region.

In which city of china could you expect to find sandstorms in spring?

Beijing is the city in China where sandstorms are most likely to occur in spring. This is because it is situated close to the Gobi Desert, which is a major source of sandstorms in the region.

How many sandstorms do you have in buckeye AZ?

Buckeye, AZ experiences an average of 3-4 sandstorms per year, typically during the monsoon season from July to September. Sandstorms can vary in intensity and duration depending on weather conditions.

Does Texas have sandstorms?

Yes, Texas can experience sandstorms, particularly in the western and southern parts of the state where arid conditions and strong winds can cause blowing sand and dust. These sandstorms can affect visibility on roads and pose health risks to residents.

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How is sandstorms measured and detected?

Sandstorms can be measured and detected using various instruments such as weather stations, satellites, and ground-based sensors. Parameters such as wind speed, visibility, and particulate matter concentration are monitored to detect the presence of a sandstorm. Advanced technologies like remote sensing and meteorological models are also used to forecast and track sandstorms in real-time.

Can you have sandstorms in the Egyptian deserts?

Yes, sandstorms can and do occur in the deserts of Egypt.

What desert has sandstorms that can last for days?

The Sahara Desert is known for its sandstorms that can last for several days due to the strong winds and vast expanses of sand. These sandstorms, also known as "siroccos," can create hazardous conditions for both people and wildlife in the region.

Is the earth going to be blast in 2012?

no the earth will not blastNo ther is no scientific reasurch that shows thiswe all will be fine

When do sandstorms happen?

sandstorms come when the mixture of air is high and that cause the sand dunes to move and create a sand storm

Can wind turbines help control sandstorms in Saudi Arabia?

Wind turbines can barely help control sandstorms in Saudi Arabia. The sandstorms are usually very powerful and using the wind turbines may prove to be futile.

In which city of china could you expect to find sandstorms in spring?

Beijing is the city in China where sandstorms are most likely to occur in spring. This is because it is situated close to the Gobi Desert, which is a major source of sandstorms in the region.

When will being human series 2 be shown?

I think it will be shown in 2010 January (from my own reasurch) im not 100% though : )

What are sandstorms made of?

Wind and sand

What happens in sandstorms?

there is a strom of sandyes