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If specific fossils are found in two separated continents, it means that both continents were once joined.

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Q: How do fossild indicate that the continents have moved with time?
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Does fossil evidence provide support for the idea that continents have moved over time?

Yes, fossil evidence supports the theory of continental drift. Fossils of similar plants and animals have been found on continents that are now separated by oceans, suggesting they were once connected. This provides evidence that continents have indeed moved over time.

What proposed explanations overcame the problem of how continents moved?

The theory of plate tectonics provided a comprehensive explanation for how continents moved. This theory suggests that the Earth's rigid outer shell, called lithosphere, is divided into plates that float and move on the semi-fluid asthenosphere below. The movement of these plates drives the shifting of continents over time.

Why was the hypothesis of continental drift rejected when it was proposed by wegener?

Wegener's hypothesis of continental drift was rejected because he lacked a plausible mechanism to explain how the continents moved. Additionally, the scientific community at the time did not have sufficient evidence to support the idea of continents drifting. It wasn't until the theory of plate tectonics emerged later, providing a mechanism and supporting evidence, that continental drift became widely accepted.

Why do you think people didnt believ his continental drift theory when wagener first explained it?

People initially did not believe Alfred Wegener's continental drift theory because he lacked a mechanism to explain how continents could move across the Earth's surface. Additionally, there was insufficient evidence at the time to support his theory. It was not until the development of the theory of plate tectonics in the 1960s that Wegener's ideas gained widespread acceptance.

How many time zones and continents does russia have?

Russia spans across 11 time zones and two continents, Europe and Asia.

Related questions

Why did wegener think the continents moved?

Wegener proposed the theory of continental drift because he noticed how coastlines of continents seemed to fit together like pieces of a puzzle. He also observed similarities in rock formations, fossils, and climate across continents that suggested they were once connected. These observations led him to suggest that the continents had moved over time.

Have the continents alway been in the same place?

No, the continents have not always been in the same place. Due to the process of plate tectonics, the continents have moved over geologic time scales. This movement has resulted in the formation of supercontinents and the current configuration of continents.

What is the theory that continents have moved slowly over time to their current locations?

The theory that continents have moved slowly over time to their current locations is called continental drift. This theory was proposed by Alfred Wegener in the early 20th century and later developed into the theory of plate tectonics, which explains the movement of Earth's lithosphere through the interaction of tectonic plates.

Does fossil evidence provide support for the idea that continents have moved over time?

Yes, fossil evidence supports the theory of continental drift. Fossils of similar plants and animals have been found on continents that are now separated by oceans, suggesting they were once connected. This provides evidence that continents have indeed moved over time.

How do apparent polar-wander paths show that the continents rather than the poles have moved?

Apparent polar-wander paths show that the continents have moved because the paths traced by the magnetic poles from different time periods do not align with the current geographic North Pole. This discrepancy implies that the continents must have shifted positions relative to the poles over time.

What proposed explanations overcame the problem of how continents moved?

The theory of plate tectonics provided a comprehensive explanation for how continents moved. This theory suggests that the Earth's rigid outer shell, called lithosphere, is divided into plates that float and move on the semi-fluid asthenosphere below. The movement of these plates drives the shifting of continents over time.

Early mapmakers thought continents might have moved based on their observations of?

The fit of the coastlines of different continents, the distribution of similar fossils across continents, and the presence of similar rock formations on different continents led early mapmakers to speculate that continents may have moved over time. This gave rise to the theory of continental drift, which was later developed into the theory of plate tectonics.

What is the evidence for earths continents have moved?

Evidence for the movement of Earth's continents includes the matching coastlines, similar rock formations and fossils found on different continents, and the distribution of certain plant and animal species across continents that were once connected. Additionally, the discovery of magnetic stripes on the ocean floor, along with the theory of plate tectonics, further support the idea that Earth's continents have moved over time.

How do we know that the continents have moved?

The theory of plate tectonics provides evidence that continents have moved over time. This evidence includes matching geological features between continents that were once part of the same landmass, like the coastlines of Africa and South America. Additionally, the distribution of fossils and the alignment of mountain ranges suggest that continents were once connected and have since drifted apart.

What is a theory proposing the continents slowly moved into their current locations called?

The theory proposing that continents slowly moved into their current locations is called "plate tectonics." This theory suggests that Earth's outer shell is divided into several plates that glide over the mantle, causing the continents to shift over time.

What is the answer for The remains are found in both South America and Africa What does that indicate about the location of the continents during the time of all these organisms?

The fact that the remains were found in both of these distant locations suggests that the continents were at some point in time physically connected.

In what way did wegener think the continents moved?

Alfred Wegener proposed the theory of continental drift, suggesting that the continents were once joined together in a single landmass called Pangea and have since drifted apart to their current positions on Earth's surface. He believed that the continents moved slowly over time due to the process of plate tectonics.