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bye carrying the flowers to other flowers

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9mo ago

Flowering plants depend on other living things, such as pollinators like bees, butterflies, and birds, to transfer pollen from one flower to another for fertilization to occur. This process leads to the production of seeds, which are essential for plant reproduction. Additionally, some plants also rely on animals for seed dispersal, as they eat the fruits and then distribute the seeds through their waste.

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Q: How do flowering plants depend on other living things to reproduce?
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How do flowering plants depend on other living things in order to reproduce?

dont know why do they

Does flowering plant reproduce by seed or spores?

Flowering plants reproduce by seeds

How do flowering plants reproduse?

Flowering plants reproduce by producing seeds.

Seed plants are flowering plants or what?

Seed plants are actually flowering plants. Since the plants reproduce the flowers bloom from the plants. The seeds are carried to different places by the wind. Other plants such as the fern are called seedless plants because ferns do not reproduce by seeds they reproduce by spores.Added:Excepting gymnosperms, which are seed plants that do not flower.

How do non-flowering plants reproduce?

Many non-flowering plants (such as ferns) reproduce by means of spores; the other major non-flowering plant group are gymnosperms, which produce seed, but in cones not flowers

How butterfly depend on flowering plant?

butterfly dependent on flowering plants because they suck nectar from flowering plants

Do all non-flowering plants reproduce by spore?

No. Conifers reproduce by seeds

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How are conifers like flowering plants?

Conifers and flowering plants are both types of seed plants that reproduce via seeds. However, conifers reproduce using cones, while flowering plants reproduce through flowers. Additionally, both types of plants have vascular tissue for transporting water and nutrients throughout their bodies.

All flowering plants have?

Flowers and reproduce by seed

Is fungi a flowering plant?

No, fungi are not flowering plants. They belong to their own kingdom, Fungi, separate from the Plant Kingdom. Fungi reproduce through spores, while flowering plants reproduce through seeds within flowers.

Is spruce a flowering plants?

No, spruce trees are not flowering plants. They are gymnosperms, which reproduce by producing cones rather than flowers.