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Organisms depend on each other for food, shelter, and other resources. For example, plants provide oxygen and food for animals, while animals help pollinate plants or disperse seeds. This interconnectedness forms complex ecosystems where each organism plays a vital role in maintaining the balance and stability of the ecosystem.

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Q: How do different organisms depend on each other to live?
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What is na meaning of ecology?

Ecology is the study of the interactions between organisms and their environment, including other organisms, climate, and physical resources. It explores how different organisms influence each other and their surroundings in ecosystems.

What is community in biology?

In biology, a community is a group of different populations of organisms that live and interact together in a specific area. These interactions can include competition for resources, predation, and symbiotic relationships. Communities are important for understanding ecosystems and how different species depend on each other for survival.

What does the symbiosis part refer to?

Symbiosis is the relationship between two different species of organisms that are interdependent; each gains benefits from the other.the definition of symbiosis is : a close permanent association between organisms of different speciesThe meaning of symbiosis is "a close relationship between two or more species where at least one benefits".

How does biodiversity contribute to the sustainability of a habitat?

The two factors that contribute to biodiversity are the richness in the number of different species available in the ecosystem, or the richness in the number of individuals of the one species.This is because each species has a role in the ecosystem on which other organisms depend for survival.

How are organisms dependent on each other in an ecosystem?

Organisms in an ecosystem depend on each other for resources such as food, shelter, and reproduction. This interdependence creates a web of relationships where each organism plays a role in maintaining the balance of the ecosystem. For example, predators keep prey populations in check, plants provide oxygen for animals to breathe, and decomposers recycle nutrients back into the soil.

Related questions

How do other organism depend on each other and their environment?

The living organisms depend on each other for their food & shelter. EG: Fungi and algae depend on each other .

What are two ways organisms depend on each other?

Organisms depend on each other for food and shelter. For example, herbivores depend on plants for food, while plants depend on herbivores for pollination. Organisms also depend on each other for protection, such as cleaner fish removing parasites from larger fish in a mutualistic relationship.

How does each cell work together to keep the planet alive?

Cells make up different organisms. Many of these organisms depend on each other to flourish on our planet such as humans breathing in oxygen given out by trees.

What is a group of organisms of different species that live and interact together referred as?

A group of organisms of different species living and interacting together is referred to as a community. The organisms in a community depend on each other for resources and play specific roles in the ecosystem.

What is the interdependence of living things?

The interdependence of living things refers to how different species rely on each other for survival. It includes relationships like pollination, predator-prey dynamics, and symbiotic partnerships. These connections create a balanced ecosystem where each organism plays a role in the overall functioning of the environment.

What is a collection of different organisms living in an ecosystem?

A collection of different organisms is an ecosystem and the collection of all of Earth's ecosystems is a biosphere.Also, actively interbreeding organisms in a particular area is called a population and populations make up communities.

Which animals depend on each other?

For food! If there were a surplus on coyotes rabbits (or whatever the coyotes ate) would die out in that area so the coyotes would run out of food and kill each other or die of hunger then as the coyotes were dieing off the rabbits would come back!

Sometimes different organisms in a community have a relationship that helps each other?


What is a relationship in which two different organisms live close association with each other?


How do population on community depend on each other?

The different populations in a community can interact in different kinds of relations with each other. Example include symbiosis, parasitism, commensalism, etc.

What is another word for dependency on each other?

A symbiosis relationship sees two different organisms, living with, and dependant one each other.

The organisms in a community are interdependent what does this mean?

the organisms rely on each other for survival.