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The most drastic changes made from differences in air pressure are caused because these differences also cause dramatic temperature shifts. As cold and warm fronts move along the earth's surface, they cause rain through condensation. Cold fronts create their own rain-clouds, whereas warm fronts bring the evaporated water underneath cooler air to condense the clouds.

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1mo ago

When two air masses of different pressure meet, air moves from the higher pressure area to the lower pressure area, creating wind. This movement leads to the formation of weather fronts, where warm and cold air masses collide, causing changes in temperature, humidity, and precipitation. These pressure differences can result in thunderstorms, blizzards, or other severe weather events.

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11y ago

It determines the direction the front is headed.

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Q: How do different air pressures in two air masses cause dramatic changes in weather patterns?
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What are the warning sign of eruption?

changes in the ground, climate changes, patterns of earthquakes, and animals behavior.

Does the temperature in the water different in different places?

Yes, the temperature of water can vary in different places due to factors such as location, depth, currents, and proximity to land or ice. Water temperature can also be influenced by seasonal changes and weather patterns.

Describe the types of environmental pressures faced by living organisms?

Living organisms face environmental pressures such as competition for resources, predation, disease, and changes in climate. These pressures drive evolution by selecting for individuals with advantageous traits that increase their chances of survival and reproduction. Organisms must adapt to these pressures in order to thrive in their environment.

Why do disruptive selection pressures tend to favor rapid evolutionary changes?

Disruptive selection pressures favor rapid evolutionary changes because they create strong selective pressures on extreme phenotypic traits, driving the population towards the extremes and away from the average. This results in a rapid shift in the population's genetic makeup towards the extreme traits, facilitating rapid adaptation to new environmental conditions.

Why are farmers having problems with climate changes?

Farmers are facing challenges from climate change due to unpredictable weather patterns, extreme weather events like floods or droughts, and increasing pest and disease pressures. These changes can disrupt crop cycles, reduce yields, and increase production costs, ultimately impacting farmers' livelihoods.

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