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Q: How do convergent boundary occur?
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What 3 collisions occur at a convergent boundary?

At a convergent boundary, three types of collisions can occur: oceanic-oceanic, oceanic-continental, and continental-continental. In an oceanic-oceanic collision, one oceanic plate subducts beneath the other, forming a deep ocean trench. In an oceanic-continental collision, an oceanic plate subducts beneath a continental plate, creating volcanic arcs and mountain ranges. In a continental-continental collision, both continental plates crumple and fold, forming high mountain ranges.

Do explosive eruptions occur more near convergent boundary or divergent boundary?

Explosive eruptions typically occur more frequently near convergent boundaries, where subduction of oceanic plates leads to the formation of explosive composite volcanoes. Divergent boundaries, on the other hand, usually host more passive eruptions marked by effusive lava flows due to the upwelling of mantle material at mid-ocean ridges.

Where is most likely to occur?

At a convergent boundary.

Does a subduction occur in a convergent boundary?

Subduction is when one of the plates is forced down beneath the other plate at the convergent boundary.

What kind of boundaries can cause earthquakes and volcanoes?

Earthquakes can occur at any type of plate boundary, but the most powerful earthquakes tend to occur at convergent boundaries and at transform boundaries.

Do earthquakes occur near island arcs?

Yes, earthquakes frequently occur near island arcs as they are geologically active regions where tectonic plates are colliding or subducting. Subduction zones along these island arcs can generate powerful earthquakes due to the intense geological activity.

Boundaries occur when plates bump together?

Plate boundaries are locations where tectonic plates interact, leading to the formation of various geological features like mountains, earthquakes, and volcanoes. There are three main types of plate boundaries: divergent, convergent, and transform. These boundaries play a crucial role in shaping the Earth's surface and driving the movement of continents.

In what type of boundary do deep earthquakes occur in?

Deep earthquakes occur in subduction zone boundaries, where one tectonic plate is being forced beneath another. This process results in intense pressure and friction between the plates, leading to the occurrence of deep earthquakes.

Does sea floor spreading occur at a convergent boundary?

No, sea floor spreading does not occur at a convergent boundary. Sea floor spreading occurs at divergent boundaries where tectonic plates move away from each other, allowing magma to rise and create new oceanic crust. At convergent boundaries, two plates collide, leading to subduction or crustal deformation.

At which location is burial metamorphism most likely to occur?

Convergent boundary

On which type of plate boundary do island arcs occur?

convergent boundaries

Where two plates move side by side?

Convergent Boundary.