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Clastic rocks are composed of broken pieces of older rocks that have been broken up by the process of weathering and are therefore sedimentary in nature. The "clasts" (bits of older rock) may vary in size.

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Lottie Von

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Q: How do clastic rocks differ from non clastic rocks in terms of process of formation?
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What major process in the formation of clastic sedimentary rocks is .?


How do clastic rocks differ from non-clastic rocks in terms of process of formation?

Clastic rocks are formed by the accumulation and lithification of broken rock fragments, while non-clastic rocks are formed through processes like precipitation of minerals from solution or the accumulation of organic matter. Clastic rocks tend to have a more angular and fragmented texture, while non-clastic rocks often have a more crystalline or organic texture.

Of the following the only process NOT involved in the making of clastic rocks is what?

Crystallization is not involved in the making of clastic rocks. Clastic rocks are formed through the accumulation and cementation of loose rock fragments, called clasts, through processes like weathering, erosion, transportation, and deposition. Crystallization typically refers to the formation of crystals from a liquid or gas, and is more commonly associated with the formation of igneous or metamorphic rocks.

Compare and Contrast different types of Sedimentary Rocks?

Clastic sedimentary rocks are formed from the accumulation of rock and mineral fragments, while chemical sedimentary rocks are formed from the precipitation of minerals out of solution. Organic sedimentary rocks are formed from the remains of plants and animals. They differ in their composition, formation process, and appearance.

A major process in the formation of clastic sedimentary rock is?

A major process in the formation of clastic sedimentary rock is lithification, which involves the compaction and cementation of loose sediment particles. These particles are typically derived from the weathering and erosion of pre-existing rocks. Over time, the layers of compacted sediment become solidified into rock through the process of lithification.

What process is not involved in making of clastic rocks?

build-up of plants materials

what process is NOT involved in the making of clastic rocks?

build-up of plants materials

What three steps are involved in clastic rock formation?

Weathering and erosion break down pre-existing rocks into sediments. Transportation of these sediments by water, wind, or ice to a new location. Deposition and compaction of the sediments to form layers, followed by cementation to create a solid clastic rock.

The only process NOT involved in the making of clastic rocks?

the build up of plant material APEX

Which is not a process involved in the formation of sedimentary rocks?

Cementing is not a process involved in the formation of sedimentary rock.

How are clastic rocks grouped?

Clastic rocks are grouped based on the size of the grains of sediment contained within them.

What do clastic and chemical rocks have in common?

Clastic and chemical rocks are both types of sedimentary rocks. They form from the accumulation and cementation of sediment particles. Clastic rocks are composed of fragments of pre-existing rocks, while chemical rocks form from the precipitation of minerals from water solutions.