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Light or algae

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Q: How do choanoflagettes breathe?
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What is oxyen?

its what you breathe and what plants breathe out while they breathe that out they breathe in carbon diOxide and we breathe it out.

Do you breathe in or breathe out oxygen?

Humans breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide. Trees "breathe" out oxygen.

What do you breathe when you breathe out?

Humans breathe out carbon dioxide, the whole world runs in a motion, for example plants breathe carbon dioxide, we breathe in oxygen. Even fish breathe oxygen. They take the oxygen out of the water. So we breathe in what plants breathe out and plants breathe in what we breathe out.

When was Breathe Owl Breathe created?

Breathe Owl Breathe was created in 2004.

Do you breathe in or breathe out more water vapour?

You breathe out more water vapour then when you breathe in

If you like what you get then you get what you like related to if you breathe when you sleep then you sleep when you breathe?

You do breathe when you sleep. Everyday you breathe so you don't always "sleep when you breathe".

What do plants do when you and other humans breathe out?

when you breathe out, plants breathe in.

What is a sentence for breathe?

After running the mile, she paused to catch her breath.

Do we breathe germs?

Yes, we breathe germs in, and we breathe our own germs out.

What is the air you breathe out of your nose?

We breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide.

Breathe-in is to oxygen as breathe-out is to?

Carbon Dioxide. Actually you breathe in 78% Nitrogen so... Breathe in is to all sorts of gases.

What do humans breathe out and plants breathe in?

They breathe in carbon dioxide and breathe out oxygen. That's how they help us. It's called photosynthesis, requiring the use of the sun and CO2. It produces sugar, energy, and O2.