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Cells receive water materials through pinocytosis and larger materials or those simply not dissolved in water are "eaten" by means of phagocytosis. Both of these require energy (ATP). Osmosis and diffusion do not because they are the natural spreading out of materials from areas w/too much to areas w/little. In other words, when drinking water, your red blood cells absorb the water effortlessly since there's a lot of water around them but not that much inside them. This is osmosis. Getting rid of cells is simply exositosis. Think "exit". Hope this helps!! :)

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Myra Hodkiewicz

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Q: How do cells obtain materials they need and get rid of waste products?
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Cells remove waste products through a process called excretion. This involves the removal of waste molecules and materials from the cell through various organelles such as lysosomes and through the cell membrane. The waste products are then either broken down further or expelled from the cell.

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Do cells produce waste products?

Carbon Dioxide :)

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The answer is anus