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Black holes were found not to be eternal prisons due to the fact that slowly, as time goes by, they expel tiny bits of matter called Hawking Radiation. The bigger the black hole is, the slower the leak, and the black hole evaporates just a little. But as millions of years go by, the leak becomes greater, and the rate of evaporation speeds up. Finally, when a black hole is finally no more, it creates a massive explosion of radiation brighter than a supernova(when a star dies and blows up). The spacetime(the 3 dimensional bendable grid that shapes and projects gravity across space)around the area of where the black hole was is no longer warped.

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3mo ago

Black holes destroy things by exerting an immense gravitational pull. When objects get too close to a black hole, the gravitational force becomes so strong that it can rip them apart in a process known as spaghettification. The intense gravity also causes anything that crosses the event horizon to be pulled into the singularity at the center of the black hole, where it is crushed to a point of infinite density.

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13y ago

A black hole cannot be destroyed by any conventional means. If it has a mass of less than the moon (approximately) then it can evaporate though. This is because it emits thermal radiation. This thermal radiation is a form of energy. Mass is a condensed form of energy (E=mc^2) so eventually it will lose all of its mass and dissipate. If it is larger than the moon though, it pulls in more mass (cosmic radiation and stellar dust) than it loses and would not evaporate.

until there is nothing left around it to suck in. then it would begin to evaporate

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14y ago

no, but black holes slowly evaporate due to hawking radiation.

Hawking radiation is 2 matters that can join together and make nothing, like 1+-1= 0

but some of that matter that tries to join with the other falls into the black hole, since on of the matter is positive it evaporates the darkhole, and the negative matter rejects the black hole and emit hawking radiation, like when you try to push 2 north poles together, they evade one another. Its that simple. Also, yes, black hole can be destroyed, but slowly.

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12y ago

no, although black holes will eventually die. This hypothesis was proposed by Stephen Hawking and later tested to be in fact correct. He thought that all black holes give off radiation that slowly cause the black hole to lose their mass. usually this isn't a big deal as the black hole is consuming enough matter and energy that it grows in size. this radiation was later called "hawking radiation" and after enough time has passed, the black hole will have evaporated as it has released all of its hawking radiation.

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15y ago

God. A larger black hole. There is no "normal" force in the universe powerful enough to destroy a black hole larger than the planet Mercury. Any black hole smaller than this will commit hari-kari via radiation death: they bleed off Hawking Radiation very quickly and die. The energy is all that's left of it.

Full sized black holes are so dense their materials are colder than the blanket temperature of space (a COLD 4'Kelvin or about -269'C, ~-450'F). In a way they appear to be a way that the universe has found to reverse entropy - something perfectly ordered and not the end 'heat death' that other objects observe.

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13y ago

Very tiny "quantum" black holes can "evaporate" by the effects of Hawking Radiation, according to Stephen Hawking. Since Hawking - literally! - "wrote the book" on black holes, then they probably can. At some point, the black hole is, at least in theory, too massive to evaporate, and can only get larger.

However, our understanding of black holes is ENTIRELY theoretical, and I can almost guarantee that everything we think we know about black holes will prove to be wrong, and we will likely find out that the truth is even stranger than we expect; perhaps, stranger than we can even imagine.

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8y ago

The main way back holes destroy things is through tidal forces. The strength of any object's gravity is stronger at close distance. This means that the side of an object closest to a source of gravity will experience slightly stronger gravity than the far side. With a black hole such a large mass is concentrated in such a small area that this difference, even for a small object, is huge, enough to tear apart any material. If too much matter falls into a black hole at once it will become extremely hot, hot enough that even atoms fall apart. What doesn't cross the event horizon is ejected from it at nearly the speed of light.

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Do black holes destroy things?

Black holes do not destroy things in the traditional sense of actively targeting and destroying objects. However, anything that crosses the event horizon of a black hole – known as the point of no return – will be unable to escape its gravitational pull, effectively being consumed by the black hole. This process, known as spaghettification, involves the stretching and tearing apart of matter due to the extreme gravitational forces near a black hole.

Can black holes kill planets?

Black holes do not actively seek out planets to destroy. However, if a planet were to get too close to a black hole, the intense gravitational forces could disrupt or even pull the planet into the black hole. So, in that sense, a black hole has the potential to "kill" a planet by tearing it apart.

Are black holes in space?

Yes, that's where they are. A black hole on Earth would utterly destroy the Earth, in a very short time.The existence of black holes is now generally accepted, by the way.

How do black holes destroy a planet or star?

Black holes destroy planets or stars by exerting a powerful gravitational pull, which can rip them apart through a process known as spaghettification. Additionally, the intense tidal forces near a black hole can also strip away the outer layers of a star or planet, ultimately consuming them.

When was blacks holes beginning to form on earth?

Black holes do not form on Earth. Black holes are created when a massive star collapses in on itself, leading to an incredibly dense core where gravity is so strong that not even light can escape. These events typically occur in space, not on Earth.

Related questions

Do black holes destroy hypergiants?

Black Holes can destroy anything in their path. Only when the 'Hypergiant' is within range of the Black Hole.

Is the universe made of black holes?

No. It certainly has black holes, but it has other things as well.No. It certainly has black holes, but it has other things as well.No. It certainly has black holes, but it has other things as well.No. It certainly has black holes, but it has other things as well.

Do black holes destroy things?

Black holes do not destroy things in the traditional sense of actively targeting and destroying objects. However, anything that crosses the event horizon of a black hole – known as the point of no return – will be unable to escape its gravitational pull, effectively being consumed by the black hole. This process, known as spaghettification, involves the stretching and tearing apart of matter due to the extreme gravitational forces near a black hole.

Can a black hole create any damage to an object?

Black holes completely destroy objects the enter them.

Can black holes kill planets?

Black holes do not actively seek out planets to destroy. However, if a planet were to get too close to a black hole, the intense gravitational forces could disrupt or even pull the planet into the black hole. So, in that sense, a black hole has the potential to "kill" a planet by tearing it apart.

Can black holes only destroy?

That is really not known. My theory is no, and apparently not. the black hole do not destroy but do not let out usual light, it do swallows the objects but it is not really known what happens next other than the swallowing, it is also known IN THEORY to be many black holes that is to small to be affected by around us too. and we also have wite holes.

Are black holes in space?

Yes, that's where they are. A black hole on Earth would utterly destroy the Earth, in a very short time.The existence of black holes is now generally accepted, by the way.

How can black holes be destoyed?

Black Hole simply cannot be destroyed because Black holes have so much Gravity That even light cannot pass or go from near the black holes. Black Holes pull the object passing from 10,000,00 (10 Lakh) away from them. So nobody can go near them to destroy it

Why aren't black holes called worm holes?

there two different things

What is the relationship between black holes and quasars?

The things that we observe as quasars are believed to be caused by huge black holes.

Why do people think that black holes destroy what goes into it?

Because planets and stars have went into them and got destroyed.

How can we destroy sun?

the sun can be destroyed by the molecules of the oxygen in the high quantity .the third form of helium and the oxygen can havethe capacity to destroy it black holes in the large quantity can destroy earth.