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Q: How do bacteria distinguish self from other?
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What characteristics distinguish protists from bacteria?

Protists have nucleus and double membranous organells.Bacteria do not have them.

What stain is used to distinguish differences between the cell walls of medically important bacteria?

Gram stain is commonly used to distinguish differences between the cell walls of medically important bacteria. This technique categorizes bacteria into Gram-positive (purple) and Gram-negative (pink) based on their cell wall structure, aiding in identification and classification of bacteria in microbiology.

Coliform bacteria are the most difficult to distinguish from the ss pathogen?

Coliform bacteria are a diverse group of bacteria that are commonly found in the environment, including the intestines of humans and other warm-blooded animals. They are not necessarily pathogenic themselves, but their presence is often used as an indicator of potential fecal contamination in water or food. Distinguishing them from specific pathogens may require additional testing to identify the exact type of bacteria present.

What the example of non motile bacteria?

One example of non-motile bacteria is Streptococcus pneumoniae, which causes pneumonia and other respiratory infections. These bacteria lack flagella or other structures needed for self-propulsion, so they rely on passive means of movement like air currents or other mechanisms for dispersal.

Is there bacteria on bacteria?

Yes, there can be bacteria living on or within other bacteria. This relationship can be symbiotic, where one species benefits from the presence of the other, or it can be parasitic, where one species harms the other. This phenomenon is commonly observed in nature among various microorganisms.

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Does the presence of nuclei in fungi as well as its ability to reproduce asexually distinguish from bacteria?

Those are two of many characteristics that distinguish fungi from bacteria.

Does archaebacteria contain peptidoglycan?

No, archaebacteria lack peptidoglycan in their cell walls. Instead, they have unique cell wall components that distinguish them from other bacteria.

What characteristics distinguish protists from bacteria?

Protists have nucleus and double membranous organells.Bacteria do not have them.

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What method is used to distinguish the two types of bacteria?

One common method to distinguish between different types of bacteria is Gram staining. This method involves staining bacteria with crystal violet and iodine, followed by a decolorization step and counterstain. Based on whether bacteria retain the stain (Gram-positive) or not (Gram-negative), they can be differentiated.

A gene that makes it possible to distinguish bacteria that carry the plasmid from those that dont?

Genetic marker.

What type bacteria is a self feeder?

It is an Autotroph. )))

What is atf fluid?

ATF fluid is automatic transmission fluid. It is used in vehicles that have automatic or self shifting transmissions. To distinguish it from other engine fluids, it is usually red or green.

What does bacteria need to spread?

access to your inner self

Why can't bacteria distinguish between sulfonamide para amino benzoic acid?

the chemical structure of the two are analogous

Why is important to distinguish between Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria in diagnosing a bacterial infection?

gram- negative and gram- positive bacteria differ in their response to different antibiotics

Which organism shares the fewest shared characteristics to others?

Organisms in the domain Archaea are considered to share the fewest characteristics with other organisms. They have unique cellular structures and biochemical properties that distinguish them from bacteria and eukaryotes.