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They produce sounds deliberately by using structures that vibrate as air is passed through them.
Transmission is a natural physical process - sounds travel though air, liquids and solids.
They receive sounds when the transmitted sound reaches them and is channeled into body structures where sensory fibers are caused to vibrate.
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Q: How do animals produce transmit and receive sound?
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What 3 things are needed to hear?

Ears to receive the sound waves, a functioning auditory system to interpret those waves as sound, and a sound source to produce the waves.

Does auditory tube transmits sound waves?

No, the auditory tube, also known as the Eustachian tube, is responsible for equalizing pressure between the middle ear and the atmosphere. It does not transmit sound waves.

How does a cell phone transmit sound faster than 741 MPH and how does the signal convert to sound?

Cell phones transmit sound as data through radio waves, which travel at the speed of light (about 671 million MPH). The signal is picked up by the cell tower, converted to digital information, and then transmitted to the receiving phone where it is converted back to an analog signal, resulting in sound through the speaker.

The function of membranes and levers in the ear is to?

The function of membranes in the ear is to transmit sound vibrations to the inner ear, while the function of levers in the ear is to amplify and transmit these vibrations to the inner ear with greater force. Together, they help convert sound waves into electrical signals that can be interpreted by the brain as sound.

Is the basilar membrane receive sound waves via air?

No, the basilar membrane does not directly receive sound waves via air. Sound waves enter the ear through the ear canal and cause vibrations in the eardrum, which then transmit these vibrations to the middle ear bones. The movement of these bones leads to the vibrations of the oval window, which in turn causes fluid in the cochlea to create waves that stimulate the basilar membrane.

Related questions

From what language does the suffix -phone come from?

The suffix -phone comes from the Greek word "phōnē," which means "voice" or "sound." It is commonly used to indicate devices or systems that produce, transmit, or receive sound.

Which animals produce loud sound?

elephants and more

When sound is heard what structure would be the first to transmit the sound wave?

The eardrum, also known as the tympanic membrane, is the first structure within the ear to receive and transmit sound waves. These waves cause the eardrum to vibrate, which then sets off a chain reaction in the middle and inner ear, ultimately leading to the perception of sound.

What are the two reasons why animals produce sound?

Mating and defense, I believe

What type of thing does not transmit sound?

Sound and vibration are transmitted by matter. So a vacuum will transmit neither.

Why does sound cause glass to vibrate?

Glass is a rigid material that can transmit sound vibrations effectively. When sound waves hit a glass surface, they cause the molecules in the glass to vibrate and produce sound. The frequency and intensity of the sound determine the amplitude of the glass vibrations.

What 3 things are needed to hear?

Ears to receive the sound waves, a functioning auditory system to interpret those waves as sound, and a sound source to produce the waves.

What things produce sound?


Does transmit have a short a sound?

Yes, the word "transmit" has a short 'a' sound as in 'cat' at the beginning of the word.

What Things that produce sound?

Musical instruments such as guitars, pianos, and drums produce sound when played. Electronic devices like speakers, televisions, and smartphones also create sound when they are in use. Additionally, natural sources like animals, thunderstorms, and waves crashing on the shore produce sound.

How does bell sound transmit?

When a bell is struck, it sets the metal bell vibrating rapidly. These vibrations produce sound waves that travel through the air to our ears. Our ears then pick up these sound waves and send electrical signals to our brain, which interprets them as the sound of the bell.

What is the energy conversion for sound system?

In a sound system, electrical energy from the power source is converted into sound energy by the speakers. This process involves the conversion of electrical signals into mechanical vibrations that produce sound waves. The speakers then amplify and transmit these sound waves for us to hear.