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By taking the pollen of plants from one species of plant to it's conspecific as an aid to fertilization and reproduction.

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Ashlee Farrell

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1y ago
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15y ago

Animals can help plants repoduce frequently. Bees and other insects move pollen from one plant to another and animals also frequently pick up seeds (in the form of burrs etc.) and move them into soil areas where they drop and sprout. Animals also help by eating seeds and fruits of plants and then defecating them out (poohing them out) where they begin to grow and spourt. Apart from the wind, which picks up pollen and spreads it about, animals do most of the steps in the reporduction of plant-life. This is a form of symbiosis.

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10y ago

Animals play an important role in plant reproduction. In some species a good example is when bees carry pollen to pollinate other flowers, so flowers can make other new flowers, this is plant reproduction.

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12y ago

By taking the pollen of plants from one species of plant to it's conspecific as an aid to fertilization and reproduction.

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Q: What do animals play an important role in plant reproduction?
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