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Glaciers affect animals because it has killed allot of animals over time.But some animals are use to cold weathers like that like for example polar bears or other animals that u can thinkof

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14y ago
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1mo ago

Animals can indirectly affect glaciers through processes like erosion and deposition. For example, animals walking on glaciers can accelerate ice melt by exposing dark surfaces that absorb more sunlight. Animal activities like burrowing and trampling can also influence the distribution and movement of sediments on glaciers, impacting their dynamics.

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14y ago

melting glaciers do not really benefit to animals because animals like penguins and polar bears need the ice for cooled weather because that is what they live in. Also it is harder for them to survive without them.

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12y ago
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13y ago

Where do you think polar bears live? Of course animals live there.

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13y ago

they would all die (probably) since they are all used to their environment

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11y ago

If they are polar bears, that rely on the ice caps for their food supply (hunting seals in dens under the ice) then they have no habitat and food supply if ice caps melt.

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12y ago

They don't

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Q: How do animals affect glaciers?
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What is Flow line?

It shows the movement of people, goods, ideas, animals, or glaciers.

How does glaciers affect climate change?

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