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It contains nutrients by the food particle. It stores nutrients and then it move onward to the digestive system. It contains nutrients by the food particle. It stores nutrients and then it move onward to the digestive system.

ADDED: A single-celled organism, such as an amoeba, cannot be said to have a digestive "system", but still digests its food by breaking it down chemically.

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4mo ago

Amoebas obtain nutrients through phagocytosis, where they engulf and digest food particles like bacteria, algae, and organic matter using pseudopods. Once the food is engulfed in a food vacuole, enzymes are secreted to break down the nutrients for absorption by the amoeba.

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12y ago

Amoebas obtain food by engulfing the food and obsorbing it into their system. The cell membrane forms around the nutrients and breaks off from the rest of the cell membrane. The nutrient with part of the cell membrane forms a vacuole. This process uses energy so it is called a active transport.

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Q: How do amoebas obtain nutrients?
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Are Amoebas parastic?

Some amoebas are parasitic, meaning they live inside another organism and obtain nutrients at the host's expense. However, not all amoebas are parasitic, as there are many free-living species that feed on bacteria and algae in various environments.

Is an amoeba atrotroph?

No, amoebas are not autotrophs. They are heterotrophic organisms, meaning they obtain nutrients by ingesting other organisms or organic material. Amoebas typically feed on bacteria, algae, and other small particles by engulfing them through a process called phagocytosis.

How does a amoeba obtain energy?

Amoebas obtain energy by engulfing food particles through a process called phagocytosis. Once the food particles are ingested, they are broken down and nutrients are absorbed into the cell to be used for energy production through cellular respiration.

What type of nutrition is found in amoeba?

Amoebas obtain nutrition through phagocytosis, where they engulf and digest food particles such as bacteria, algae, and organic debris. They absorb nutrients across their cell membrane after breaking down the ingested material. Amoebas are capable of obtaining nutrients in a variety of environments due to their versatile feeding strategy.

Does amoeba have chlorophyll?

No, amoebas do not have chlorophyll. Amoebas are single-celled organisms that obtain their nutrients by engulfing and digesting other organisms or organic matter through a process called phagocytosis. Chlorophyll is a pigment found in plants and some photosynthetic organisms that is essential for photosynthesis, a process that produces energy using sunlight.

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What is a protist that cant make its own food?

A protist that can't make its own food is a heterotrophic protist. These protists must obtain their nutrients by consuming organic matter from their environment, such as other organisms or organic debris. Examples include amoebas, paramecia, and plasmodium.

Is the amoeba a heterotroph that move?

Yes, amoebas are heterotrophs because they obtain their nutrients by ingesting organic matter. They move by extending their pseudopods, which are temporary projections of their cell membrane that help them to crawl and engulf food particles.

Is a amoebas a osmosis?

Amoebas do use osmosis as a means of nutrient uptake and waste removal. Osmosis allows for the movement of water across their cell membrane to maintain internal balance and to absorb nutrients from their environment.

What organism must obtain nutrients?

All organisms need nutrients.

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Mushrooms get their nutrients by decomposing organic matter.

What Ways plants fungi and animals obtain nutrients?

Plants obtain nutrients through photosynthesis, where they convert sunlight and carbon dioxide into energy. Fungi obtain nutrients through extracellular digestion, secreting enzymes to break down organic matter outside their bodies before absorbing the nutrients. Animals obtain nutrients through ingestion, either by consuming other organisms or feeding on organic matter directly.