Multiply psi by 0.006894759086775369 to convert from psi to MPa. ex: 1000 psi = 1000 x 0.006894759086775369 = 6.89 MPa
190 kPa is equivalent to approximately 27.56 psi.
To convert feet of water to psi, use the formula: 1 foot of water = 0.433 psi. Therefore, 1500 feet of water is equal to 650.03 psi.
To convert Pascal to PSI, multiply the Pascal value by 0.000145038. This conversion factor will give you the equivalent value in PSI.
This question cannot be answered because psi (pounds per square inch) is an imperial measure for pressure and 1 metre is a metric lineal measurement. To convert psi to metric you would probably use the metric pressure measurement of kpa (kilopascals). To convert pounds per square inch to kilopascals (PSI to KPA), multiply the PSI value by 6.894757293168361. To convert kilopascals to pounds per square inch (KPA to PSI), multiply the kpa value by .14503773773020923.
Multiply psi x 0.07 to get atmospheres.
convert cwa of 65.69 to gpa
30,000,000 psi (207 GPa)
Young`s modulus of aluminum is about 70 GPa, or 10.3 x 106 psi.
1 bar = 14.5 PSI
it is 30,000 Ksi or 3 x 10 E6 psi or 207000MPa
29,000,000 psi ( 200 GPa)
To convert from torr to psi, divide by 51.715. Therefore, 752 torr is approximately 14.55 psi when rounded to two decimal places.
Multiply psi by 0.006894759086775369 to convert from psi to MPa. ex: 1000 psi = 1000 x 0.006894759086775369 = 6.89 MPa
what does gpa 3.096 convert to?
110 - 130 Scfn is what in psi
Multiply psi by 144 to get psf.