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Q: How did the monk in charge of construction adapt the building to the island's geography?
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What is a government client in construction?

in charge of building govourment buildings, prisons, hospitals etc.

What is a fee builder?

A builder fee is a charge that is added when a building is constructed. This term is commonly used in the construction of new homes.

What is a person in charge of a building site called?

A person in charge of a building site is typically called a site manager or a construction manager. They are responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations on the site, ensuring that work is completed safely, efficiently, and within budget.

What does construction have to do with science?

Science plays an important role in construction as you need to look at the geographical features of the place before you start building and you need to make sure that everything is alright according to science. for example, you don't want to put iron on the top of the building to cause electric charge to the buildings

Who was in charge of building the missions?

The Spanish padres were in charge of building the missions.

Which collective unit is in charge of large building projects?

A construction company or a general contractor is typically in charge of managing and overseeing large building projects. They are responsible for coordinating the various aspects of the project, including hiring subcontractors, securing permits, and ensuring that the work is completed on time and within budget.

What is the main job title of someone who is in charge of construction design?

The main job title for someone in charge of construction design is typically an Architect or a Civil Engineer. They are responsible for designing and planning the construction of buildings or infrastructure projects.

What to charge for spring cleanups?

I suppose it depends on what exactly you are cleaning up. Is it construction waste, building debris, cleaning out a house or something else? How big is the area? How long will it take you? All these are factors that help determine how much to charge.

What is the name of the person in charge of building?

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What is a personwho prepares blue prints of her idea for a new office building?

Architects are people who design blueprints for buildings of any kind. These people are also often in charge of supervising the construction of these buildings.

Who was in charge of the consruction of The Great Wall of China?

meng tian was in charge of the construction of great wall of china.

Who was the architect in charge of the construction of navy pier?

D.burn ham