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Q: How did the in a Adapted to the steep land in their region by?
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What is the southern uplands region of Mexico?

It is a region in Mexico, that has steep rivers and steep slopes, but mostly it is a region. I thought you would know it was a region.

What is a steep region?

A steep region refers to an area of land that has a significant slope or incline. These areas can be challenging to navigate and may be more prone to erosion, landslides, or other natural hazards due to the steepness of the terrain.

What arrangement of contour lines shows that the land is steep?

When contour lines are close together it indicates steep terrain. The closer the lines, the steeper the slope.

How did the Aztecs adapted to the land?

The Aztecs adapted to their land by Chinampas, Building Bridges, and Hunting animals

Were the diadectes adapted to land or water?

Diadectes were fully adapted to land, even though it is a water to dry land animal.

If Contour lines are close together the land has a gentle slope?

The closer the contours, the steeper the slope.

Land with steep sides that rise sharply from surrounding land?


What is steep climate?

Steep climate refers to a rapid or significant change in the Earth's climate conditions over a short period of time. This can include sudden temperature shifts, extreme weather events, or accelerated changes in atmospheric conditions. Steep climate changes can have profound impacts on ecosystems, economies, and human populations.

What is a raised flatland called?

A raised flatland is called a plateau. Plateaus are elevated flat-topped areas of land that are typically surrounded by steep slopes or cliffs.

Describe of farmers have adapted to the steep slopes in fold mountain areas?

Farmers in fold mountain areas have adapted by terracing their fields along the slopes to prevent erosion and create flat surfaces for cultivation. They also use contour plowing to reduce soil erosion by following the natural shape of the land. Additionally, some farmers practice agroforestry by planting trees on the steep slopes to stabilize the soil and provide additional income.

If you were flying over a mesa in the southwest region of US would you be flying over water or land?

You would be flying over land. Mesas are landforms consisting of a flat top and steep sides, typically found in arid regions like the Southwest US.

Why are the mountains region sparsely populated?

Coz its steep and unappealing to live in.