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Q: How did the fossil organisms Darwin saw lead him to think earth must be much older?
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How do you estimate the age of the Earth using fossil record?

Cannot be done as the Earth is much older than the oldest fossils.

What is called when organisms are trapped in sedimentary rock?

when an organism is trapped in sedimentary rock, it will die and the organism will slowly decay, but it won't decay altogether and you get a fossil. the older the fossil is the lower down it will be in a sedimentary layer. that's called superposition...

Fossils in newers layers of earth tend to resemble current?

The principle of fossil succession states that fossils found in younger layers of rock tend to be more similar to current species, while fossils in older layers differ more. This is because newer fossils represent species that have evolved and survived to the present day, while older fossils may belong to species that have become extinct. This pattern helps scientists understand the evolution and biodiversity of life on Earth.

How fossil tell the age of earth?

Fossils themselves do not directly tell the age of the Earth. Instead, scientists use various dating techniques, such as radiometric dating of rocks and fossils, to determine the age of the Earth. These methods help estimate the age of the Earth to be around 4.5 billion years old.

What two characteristics of early animals explain the scarcity of animal fossils older than the Cambrian Period?

The soft-bodied nature of early animals and their small size are two characteristics that explain the scarcity of animal fossils older than the Cambrian Period. Soft-bodied organisms are less likely to fossilize than hard-bodied ones, and small organisms are harder to preserve in the fossil record.

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How did the study of organisms on islands help support Darwin's ideas?

It Gave evidence and the fossil organisms on the bottom or older layers were more primitive than those in upper or newer layers.

What evidence did Darwin observe that led him to believe that Earth was older than 6000 years?

Darwin observed geological findings such as rock formations, fossils, and the gradual process of erosion, which suggested a much older Earth than previously thought. These findings indicated that the Earth's history was millions of years old, contradicting the 6000-year timeline proposed by the biblical account.

What does the fossil record reveal about new species of organisms?

They evolved over time from older species.

What is sedimentary rock in which the older rocksunless disruptedare on the bottom?

The type of sedimentary rock in which the older rocks, unless disrupted, are on the bottom is called a fossil-rich limestone. This rock contains fossil remains of prehistoric organisms.

How old did Darwin propose the Earth was?

Darwin proposed that the Earth was much older than previously thought, estimating it to be at least hundreds of millions of years old based on geological evidence he encountered during his travels.

How do you estimate the age of the Earth using fossil record?

Cannot be done as the Earth is much older than the oldest fossils.

What is the relationship between the age of fossil and what level it is found in the earth?

In general ; the deeper its found the older it is.

You find fossil A at 35 feet and fossil B at 135 feet Which one is older?

fossil b is older new rocks get pushed to the top and older rocks go down

How fossil tell the age of earth?

Fossils themselves do not directly tell the age of the Earth. Instead, scientists use various dating techniques, such as radiometric dating of rocks and fossils, to determine the age of the Earth. These methods help estimate the age of the Earth to be around 4.5 billion years old.

What is called when organisms are trapped in sedimentary rock?

when an organism is trapped in sedimentary rock, it will die and the organism will slowly decay, but it won't decay altogether and you get a fossil. the older the fossil is the lower down it will be in a sedimentary layer. that's called superposition...

What principle is a geologist applying when deciding that a fossil in a mud layer is older than a fossil in a sandstone layer above it?

The geologist is applying the principle of superposition, which states that in an undisturbed sequence of rock layers, the oldest rocks are at the bottom and the youngest are at the top. This helps geologists determine the relative ages of fossils found in different layers of sedimentary rock.

Is a 1490 Spanish gold coin a fossil?

No. A fossil would have been alive and much older, so a coin is not a fossil.