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Q: How did the Sumatra-Andaman earthquake cause so much damage is it occurred in the middle of the Indian Ocean?
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How did the Sumatra-Andaman earthquake cause so much damage if it occurred in the middle of the Indian Ocean?

The Sumatra-Andaman earthquake in 2004 was a megathrust earthquake, where the Indian Plate was subducted beneath the Burma Plate, causing massive displacement of water and triggering a devastating tsunami. The tsunami generated by the earthquake traveled across the Indian Ocean, hitting coastlines in multiple countries, leading to widespread casualties and damage.

What damage occurred in haiti in the earthquake?

A lot of damage happened in Haiti no schools no houses no nothing.

Why doesn't earthquakes damage sky tower?

Because no significant earthquake has occurred there yet.

Good Friday earthquake is a name given to?

The Good Friday earthquake is the name given to a powerful earthquake that occurred in Alaska on March 27, 1964. It remains the most powerful recorded earthquake in North American history and caused widespread damage and tsunamis.

Major damage occurred 400 km from this 8.1 magnitude earthquake in what city in 1985?

Mexico city

When was Russia's last earthquake?

The last major earthquake in Russia occurred on March 25, 2020, with a magnitude of 7.5. The earthquake struck the Kuril Islands region, causing some damage and triggering a tsunami warning.

When was the last tsunami in china?

The last major tsunami to impact China occurred in 2004, as a result of the Indian Ocean earthquake. The tsunami caused significant damage along the southern coastal regions of China.

What was the largest earthquake in texas?

On August 16, 1931, a magnitude 5.8 earthquake struck near Valentine, Texas, in the far western part of the state causing extensive damage. It is the strongest quake to have occurred in the state.

What damage did the valdivia earthquake cause?

The Valdivia earthquake, which occurred in Chile in 1960, was the most powerful earthquake ever recorded. It caused widespread damage in the region, including the destruction of buildings, roads, and infrastructure, as well as triggering tsunamis that caused further devastation along the coast. The earthquake also resulted in numerous fatalities and injuries.

Where did the earthquake happened in turkey?

The earthquake in Turkey occurred in the western province of Izmir on October 30, 2020. The earthquake had a magnitude of 7.0 and caused significant damage and loss of life in the region.

Where did Kobe earthquake happen YER?

The Kobe earthquake occurred in Kobe, Japan in 1995. It was a magnitude 6.9 earthquake that caused extensive damage and loss of life in the region.

What damage did the chino hills earthquake cause?

The Chino Hills earthquake, which occurred in 2008, caused minor to moderate damage such as broken windows, cracked walls, and fallen objects in the vicinity of the epicenter. There were no reported fatalities or major structural collapses from this earthquake.