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Good question: Geologist use these methods to determine the ages of rocks. The absolute age of the rock and relative age of the rock. Now because the mid ocean ridges are place of divergent where plates move apart, the rock farther away from the ridges are older than the younger ones that are just form close to the ride. This is called relative dating. The absolute dating use Isotopes and radiometric dating meaning they have to have a hand sample to determine this. But I think the best method here for situation like this is the Relative ages of the rocks.

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Q: How did scientists determine the difference in the age of rocks near mid ocean ridges from those farther away from ridges?
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What happens the age of rock with distance from the mid ocean ridges?

The age of rock increases with distance from mid-ocean ridges. At the ridges, new oceanic crust is formed through volcanic activity, which is young. As the crust moves away from the ridges, it cools and becomes older. This process is known as seafloor spreading.

What causes the growth ridges on the shells of bivalves?

Growth ridges on the shells of bivalves are caused by seasonal changes in their growth rate. During periods of slow growth, the ridges become more pronounced, while faster growth results in smoother areas on the shell. These ridges are a natural part of the shell growth process and can be used to determine the age of the bivalve.

How old are rocks in ocean crust?

Rocks in ocean crust can vary in age, but on average they are usually around 200 million years old near mid-ocean ridges and can be up to billions of years old near continents. The rocks closer to mid-ocean ridges are younger due to the process of seafloor spreading, where new crust is continually formed.

What is it when plates move farther and farther apart?

When plates move farther and farther apart, this is known as seafloor spreading. It occurs at mid-ocean ridges where new oceanic crust is formed as plates diverge. This process is driven by convection currents in the Earth's mantle.

Does the fact that ocean crust is older the farther away it is from an ocean ridge support the theory of plate tectonics?

Yes, the fact that ocean crust is older the farther away it is from an ocean ridge supports the theory of plate tectonics. This is because new oceanic crust is formed at ocean ridges through the process of seafloor spreading, where molten rock rises and solidifies, pushing older crust away from the ridge. By observing the age of oceanic crust, scientists can trace the movement of tectonic plates and support the theory of plate tectonics.

Related questions

How did scientists find out that rocks farther away from the mid ocean ridges were older than those near it?

I don't know, that's why i came here. Obviously it didn't help.

What is difference between ocean ridges and rises?

Ridges and Rises are uplifts in oceanic crust caused by volcanic eruption in oceans, the difference between a ridge and a rise is of rift valleys, ridges have long valleys and rises do not have any valleys

What happens the age of rock with distance from the mid ocean ridges?

The age of rock increases with distance from mid-ocean ridges. At the ridges, new oceanic crust is formed through volcanic activity, which is young. As the crust moves away from the ridges, it cools and becomes older. This process is known as seafloor spreading.

How old are rocks in ocean crust?

Rocks in ocean crust can vary in age, but on average they are usually around 200 million years old near mid-ocean ridges and can be up to billions of years old near continents. The rocks closer to mid-ocean ridges are younger due to the process of seafloor spreading, where new crust is continually formed.

Explain how drilling samples provided evidence for sea floor spreading?

Scientists discovered that the rocks that were found farther away from the ridge the sample was taken from, the older the rocks were. The most recent rocks were always in the center of the ridges. This showed that sea-floor spreading really has taken place.

Difference between occlusal outline and occlusal table of the teeth?

occlusal table means the area bounded by the cusp ridges and marginal ridges

What is the relationship between distance from the ridges and age of the crust?

At the oceanic ridges the age of igneous basalt rocks is approximately zero (as that is where they formed) and the rocks get older the farther away. The ages of sedimentary and metamorphic rocks does not correlate reliably with distance from the oceanic ridges like the ages of igneous rocks, because they can form anywhere not mainly at oceanic ridges. Igneous granite rocks are generally formed around continental volcanos not oceanic ridges.

What motion of the sea floor is responsible for the formation of the mid Atlantic ridges rift valley?

According to scientists, the process associated with seafloor spreading is responsible for the formation of the mid Atlantic ridges rift valley.

When did scientists first discover the mid-Atlantic ridges?

The ridge was discovered during the expedition of HMS Challenger in 1872. A team of scientists on board, led by Charles Wyville Thompson.

What did the precision depth recorder help scientists discover?

one of the unexpected discoveries was the presence of underwater mountians. scientists located mid-ocean ridges, the longest mountain chains in the world.

What is it when plates move farther and farther apart?

When plates move farther and farther apart, this is known as seafloor spreading. It occurs at mid-ocean ridges where new oceanic crust is formed as plates diverge. This process is driven by convection currents in the Earth's mantle.

How do the ages of the rocks on the seafloor support the theory of seafloor spreading?

The ages of the rocks become older the farther the way they are from the ridges. The closer they are the younger it is. This leaves evidence to the seafloor spreading theory.