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Q: How did scientist figure out how old the rocks in the mid-Atlantic ridge are?
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How scientist discover that rocks farther away from the mid ocean ridge were older than those near it?

Scientists discovered that rocks farther away from the mid-ocean ridge were older than those near it through radiometric dating of the rocks. By measuring the age of the minerals within the rocks, they found that the farther rocks were older because they had been slowly moving away from the ridge as new crust formed at the ridge and pushed older crust farther out.

How did scientists discover that rocks farther away from the mid ocean ridge were older than the ones closer to the mid ocean ridge?

Scientists discovered that rocks farther away from the mid-ocean ridge were older than those closer to it through radiometric dating of the rocks. By analyzing the age of the rocks using isotopes with known half-lives, they were able to determine that the rocks get progressively older as you move away from the ridge due to the process of seafloor spreading.

If you could collect a sample of rock from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge where would you look to find the youngest rocks?

You would want to look for rocks at the center of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, where new oceanic crust is forming through seafloor spreading. The rocks found closest to the ridge axis are typically the youngest, as they have most recently solidified from magma.

When new rock is added to an oceanic ridge the magnetized strips on either side of the ridge are evidence of sea floor spreading. This is because the rocks on the two sides of the ridge?

are equal in width and polarity

How did scientists determine that the age of rocks farther from the mid-ocean ridge were older?

thye pulled rocks from a drill and studied them obviously

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How did scientist discover that rocks farther away from the mid ocean ridge were older that those near it?

i never know

How scientist discover that rocks farther away from the mid ocean ridge were older than those near it?

Scientists discovered that rocks farther away from the mid-ocean ridge were older than those near it through radiometric dating of the rocks. By measuring the age of the minerals within the rocks, they found that the farther rocks were older because they had been slowly moving away from the ridge as new crust formed at the ridge and pushed older crust farther out.

How did scientists discover that rocks farther away from the mid ocean ridge were older than the ones closer to the mid ocean ridge?

Scientists discovered that rocks farther away from the mid-ocean ridge were older than those closer to it through radiometric dating of the rocks. By analyzing the age of the rocks using isotopes with known half-lives, they were able to determine that the rocks get progressively older as you move away from the ridge due to the process of seafloor spreading.

How does evidence that rocks farther from a ridge are older than rocks closer to the ridge support the idea of sea floor spreading?

The evidence that rocks farther from a ridge are older than rocks closer to the ridge supports the idea of sea floor spreading because it aligns with the concept of a divergent boundary where new oceanic crust is continuously formed at the ridge and gradually moves away from the ridge over time. This process allows for the creation of age gradients in the oceanic crust, with the youngest rocks found near the ridge and progressively older rocks located farther away.

Why are oceans far away form a ridge?

cuz rocks come up from the ridge and create land by the ridge

What is the relationship between the age of rocks on the ocean floor and the distance from the Mid-Atlantic ridge?

The age of rocks on the ocean floor increases with distance from the Mid-Atlantic ridge due to seafloor spreading. As new oceanic crust is formed at the ridge, older crust is pushed away from the ridge. This results in a pattern of young rocks near the ridge and progressively older rocks farther away.

What is a scientist that study rocks?

a geologist studies rocks, but volcanologists study volcanic rocks

Magnetic alignment of rocks in mid-ocean ridge?


Do rocks spread away from the mid ocean ridge?


How the age of the rocks on the ocean floor support the theory of the seafloor spreading?

the ages of the rocks become increasingly older in samples obtained farther from the ridge and the younger had just come out the ridge.

How ages of the rocks on the ocean floor supports the theory of seafloor spreading?

the ages of the rocks become increasingly older in samples obtained farther from the ridge and the younger had just come out the ridge.

Who is the scientist that sudies rocks?
