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In the end it was Kepler's model that was accepted as true. Copernicus's model with its circles and epicycles was replaced by Kepler's model with elliptical orbits that were eventually explained by the theory of gravity.

The only part of Copernicus's model that has lasted is the idea that the Earth is in orbit round the Sun, which is accepted because Newton's discoveries showed that the Sun is far more massive than all the planets combined.

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Q: How did galileo and newtons insights into physics help to make Copernicus' model more plausible?
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What historic events happened during isaac newtons life?

The answer can be simply answered through his name. During Newtons life, the world experienced a Scientific Revolution, mainly based around his findings. Other scientists such as Galileo, Copernicus as well as philosophers started to think differently from life, moving away from religion and into scientific theory.This started the Enlightenment Era.

What did Galileo's of inertia sate?

A body moving on a level surface will continue in the same direction at constant speed unless disturbed. it is just like newtons first law

How did newtons work support the early workers of Copernicus Kepler and gailileo?

Newton's work on universal gravitation provided a mathematical framework to explain the motion of planets proposed by Copernicus, Kepler, and Galileo. Newton's laws of motion and law of universal gravitation helped reinforce and build upon the heliocentric model proposed by Copernicus and the laws of planetary motion established by Kepler. Galileo's observations of celestial bodies also aligned with Newton's laws, providing further support for the accuracy of Newtonian physics.

Why do you use newtons physics today instead of Galileo's?

Newton had the advantage of being born later in the same year that Galileo died. He therefore had more opportunities to make scientific discoveries based on what earlier scientists had found. Newtons discoveries allowed him to explain, among other things, that the planets follow Kepler's laws through the law of gravity and the laws of motion. Other than tiny adjustments from the General Theory of Relativity, Kepler's model is the one still in use today.

What is the name for 0.1 Newtons?

The name for 0.1 Newtons is 0.1 Newtons.

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What historic events happened during isaac newtons life?

The answer can be simply answered through his name. During Newtons life, the world experienced a Scientific Revolution, mainly based around his findings. Other scientists such as Galileo, Copernicus as well as philosophers started to think differently from life, moving away from religion and into scientific theory.This started the Enlightenment Era.

Is Galileo law of inertia and newtons first law of motion are same or different?

yes they r same

How did Eratosthenes estimate the size of Earth in 240 BC?

Eratosthenes estimated the size of Earth in 240 BC by comparing the angles of the shadows cast by sticks in two different cities on the same day. By calculating the difference in the angles, he was able to determine the circumference of the Earth with impressive accuracy for the time period.

What did Galileo's of inertia sate?

A body moving on a level surface will continue in the same direction at constant speed unless disturbed. it is just like newtons first law

Who was the astronomer that realized the earth orbits the sun?

Nicolaus Copernicus was the astronomer who first proposed a heliocentric model, suggesting that the Earth orbits the Sun. His book "De revolutionibus orbium coelestium" (On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres), published in 1543, laid the foundation for the modern understanding of the solar system.

How did newtons work support the early workers of Copernicus Kepler and gailileo?

Newton's work on universal gravitation provided a mathematical framework to explain the motion of planets proposed by Copernicus, Kepler, and Galileo. Newton's laws of motion and law of universal gravitation helped reinforce and build upon the heliocentric model proposed by Copernicus and the laws of planetary motion established by Kepler. Galileo's observations of celestial bodies also aligned with Newton's laws, providing further support for the accuracy of Newtonian physics.

What was newtons experiment on Pisa?

Galileo and not Newton conducted the experiment at the leaning tower of Pisa. He took a large weight and a small weight and dropped them at the same time. They fell at the same speed and landed together.

Why do you use newtons physics today instead of Galileo's?

Newton had the advantage of being born later in the same year that Galileo died. He therefore had more opportunities to make scientific discoveries based on what earlier scientists had found. Newtons discoveries allowed him to explain, among other things, that the planets follow Kepler's laws through the law of gravity and the laws of motion. Other than tiny adjustments from the General Theory of Relativity, Kepler's model is the one still in use today.

What is the difference in 200 newtons and 20 newtons?

The difference between 200 newtons and 20 newtons is 180 newtons.

What is the abbreviation of newtons?

The abbreviation for newtons is N.

What is the name for 0.1 Newtons?

The name for 0.1 Newtons is 0.1 Newtons.

What is newtons method?

what is newtons method