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Q: How did fossils change over time?
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Do camel fossils show little change over time?

most fossils dont show any change over time, besides the dirt caving in on the fossil, so I would have to say no.

If species didn't change what type of fossils would we see?

If there was no change in species over time, then all fossils of that species would be identical.

Why do fossils of horses that lived millions of years ago look different from your modern horse?

because they change over time

Why do fossils change?

Fossils can change due to a variety of reasons such as erosion, pressure, and chemical reactions. Over time, the original organic material may be replaced by minerals, leading to changes in composition. Factors like temperature and moisture levels in the environment can also contribute to fossil alteration.

How do rock fossils form?

over time.

How have you used fossils to learn about animals that are extinct or have changed over time?

Fossils are the only way to learn which animals are extinct or have changed over time. We can look at animals that exist today and speculate concerning on the appearance of a common ancestor. We frequently have to change our opinion when we find a fossil.

What is fossils as evidence?

That animals have changed over time

How do fossils give evidence of biological evolution?

By looking at the fossils and seeing how they change over time.

What do homologous structers vestigial structures and fossils provide evidence of what?

which model of evolution shows change over a relatively short period fo time

What can a scientist learn from fossils?

They can learn about evolution, as many living fossils have changed quite a bit over time.

How does fossils contribute with Darwin's theory?

He noted the changes in the fossils over time, thus providing evidence for evolution.

How do fossils that form in different rock layers provide evidence of evolution?

Fossils' existence confirms that species are not fixed but can evolve into other species over time