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I assume the neighbouring countries were shocked and angry. Chernobyl was a safety nightmare, a poorly built and poorly run mess. Those high in the Russian government and military are corrupt.

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Countries outside of the Soviet Union expressed concern over the Chernobyl disaster due to the potential health and environmental risks associated with the nuclear accident. Some countries offered humanitarian aid and assistance, while others criticized the Soviet government's initial handling of the situation and called for greater transparency and cooperation in managing the aftermath of the disaster.

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Q: How did countries outside of the Soviet Union react to the events at Chernobyl?
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Why are rich countries prepared for earthquakes?

because they can afford to prepare for something that may never happen. Poor countries, they have trouble enough getting through the day. They can't be spending precious money on rare, future events.

What countries have earthquake proof buildings?

Countries prone to earthquakes, such as Japan, Chile, and New Zealand, have implemented strict building codes and advanced engineering techniques to construct earthquake-proof buildings. These countries have invested in technology and innovation to minimize damage and ensure the safety of their structures during seismic events.

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I don't think so. Such an observer will be utterly destroyed quite soon.

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What is the worse disaster?

It is difficult to determine the "worst" disaster as each event has unique impacts and devastating consequences. Some of the most tragic disasters in recent history include natural events like the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami and Hurricane Katrina in 2005, as well as human-made disasters like the Chernobyl nuclear accident in 1986. Each of these events resulted in significant loss of life, widespread destruction, and long-lasting effects on communities.

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