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He reasoned that since parallax could not be observed for celestial objects near the sun, then the earth was stationary. This erroneous assumption was because at the time he had no way of knowing that celestial objects were so far away that their parallax angles were too small to detect.
He reasoned that since parallax could not be observed for celestial objects near the sun, then the earth was stationary. This erroneous assumption was because at the time he had no way of knowing that celestial objects were so far away that their parallax angles were too small to detect =) Hope it helped. I had the same question

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Kip Strosin

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Q: How did aristotles' inability to detect parallax lead him to propose a geocentric model of the solar system?
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What model did Ptolemy propose?

Ptolemy proposed a geocentric model of the universe, known as the Ptolemaic system. In this model, the Earth was considered to be at the center of the universe, with the Sun, Moon, and planets orbiting around it in perfect circles. It was widely accepted until the Copernican Revolution.

Who used astronomical observation and mathematical calculation to disprove the Hellenistic belief that the Earth was the center of the universe?

Nicolaus Copernicus, a Polish mathematician and astronomer, used observations and calculations to propose a heliocentric model of the universe in his book "De revolutionibus orbium coelestium" published in 1543. This challenged the geocentric model that had been commonly accepted in Hellenistic times.

Who was first to say the sun is at the center?

Ancient Greek philosopher Aristarchus of Samos is the first known individual to propose that the Sun is at the center of the solar system. His heliocentric model challenged the prevailing geocentric view of the universe.

What did aristotle first propose?

Aristotle is known for proposing the concept of virtue ethics, which focuses on developing good character traits to guide behavior. He also introduced the idea of the golden mean, which suggests that virtues lie between two extremes of behavior.

Which of these did Copernicus believe was at the center of the universe?

No, that was what the scriptures said, but Copernicus's model, also promoted by Galileo, had the Sun at the centre instead.

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How did aristotles inability to detect paralax lead him to propose a geonetric model of the solar system?

actally... can u guys help me on this one?

How did the Aristotle's inability to detect parallax lead him to propose a geocentric model of the solar system?

He reasoned that since parallax could not be observed for celestial objects near the sun, then the earth was stationary. This erroneous assumption was because at the time he had no way of knowing that celestial objects were so far away that their parallax angles were too small to detect.He reasoned that since parallax could not be observed for celestial objects near the sun, then the earth was stationary. This erroneous assumption was because at the time he had no way of knowing that celestial objects were so far away that their parallax angles were too small to detect =) Hope it helped. I had the same question

How did Aristotle inability to detect parallax lead him to propose a geocentric model of the solar system?

He reasoned that since parallax could not be observed for celestial objects near the sun, then the earth was stationary. This erroneous assumption was because at the time he had no way of knowing that celestial objects were so far away that their parallax angles were too small to detect.He reasoned that since parallax could not be observed for celestial objects near the sun, then the earth was stationary. This erroneous assumption was because at the time he had no way of knowing that celestial objects were so far away that their parallax angles were too small to detect =) Hope it helped. I had the same question

How did Aristotle's inability to detect parallax lead him to propose a geocentric model of the solar system?

He reasoned that since parallax could not be observed for celestial objects near the sun, then the earth was stationary. This erroneous assumption was because at the time he had no way of knowing that celestial objects were so far away that their parallax angles were too small to detect.He reasoned that since parallax could not be observed for celestial objects near the sun, then the earth was stationary. This erroneous assumption was because at the time he had no way of knowing that celestial objects were so far away that their parallax angles were too small to detect =) Hope it helped. I had the same question

Did Aristotle support the heilocentric and geocentric model?

Aristotle supported the geocentric model, which placed Earth at the center of the universe. He did not propose a heliocentric model with the Sun at the center. It was later astronomers like Copernicus who challenged the geocentric model in favor of a heliocentric one.

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You don't u propose to her

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If your getting married to a neighbor, You can propose engagement and then propose the marriage.

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The exact same way you would propose anyone you'd want to propose.

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propose system capabilities

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I propose a toast to all of my coworkers.