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Q: How did Pluto get his good idea?
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What is the structure of Pluto?

I have like no idea.

Why is pluto a good planet?

There is no such thing as a good planet or a bad planet. Also, Pluto is not a planet.

How many moons in the solar syatem are bigger than Pluto?

I have no idea haha

What is a good simile about the dwarf planet Pluto?

Pluto is as cold as an icy stare from an ex-wife.

Is there enough evidence to support the idea that Pluto is not a planet?

Yes, there is evidence to support the idea that Pluto is not a planet. In 2006, the International Astronomical Union redefined the criteria for what qualifies as a planet, and Pluto did not meet these criteria. As a result, Pluto was reclassified as a "dwarf planet" due to its size, orbit, and lack of dominance in its orbital neighborhood.

Mars and Pluto have just about the same mass which planet has greater gravity and why?

Actually, the idea that Pluto had about the same mass as Mars is outdated. It is now known that Pluto has less than 2% the mass of Mars, and therefore has less gravity.

Why aren't there good pictures of Pluto?

so small

What would be a good name for the capital of Pluto?


What are good adjective for Pluto'?

Rocky, icy, distant.

This used 2 be called a planet but it is not now?

If you're doing the same homework we are, good luck. I think the answer is Pluto. If you're doing the same homework we are, good luck. I think the answer is Pluto.

What is the opposite of good idea?

The opposite of a good idea would be a bad idea. Depending on how bad you could also say terrible idea.

What is a good joke about Pluto?

Why was Pluto downgraded from a planet? Because it couldn't handle the pressure!