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Pasteurization doesn't sterilize milk it reduces organisms that may cause disease. Improperly handled raw milk is responsible for nearly three times more hospitalizations than any other foodborne disease outbreak, making it one of the world's most dangerous food products. By working with milk Pasteur showed us the way to keep food safe.

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Q: How did Louis Pasteur use the pasteurization process to help others?
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Who invented milk pasteurisation?

It was Louis Pasteur who invented the process of pasteurization.

Who began pasturizing milk to kill bacteria?

The process of pasteurization came from Louis Pasteur.

What process did Louis Pasteurs develop to kill germs?

Louis Pasteur devloped the process of pasteurization (named after himself) to try and kill germs.

Who developed the process called pasteurization?

Louis Pasteur and Claude Bernard developed pasteurization.

What famous person was responsible for the process of pasteurization?

Louis Pasteur

Who perfected the milk-purifying process called pasteurization?

Louis Pasteur

Who perfected the milk purifying process called pasteurization?

Louis Pasteur

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Louis Pasteur, a Frenchman in the late 1600s discovered the process of pasteurization.

________ performed extensive research with bacteria and developed the process known as pasteurization.?

The namesake of pasteurization, Louis Pasteur, did so. The process however was used in China beforehand without modern microbiological knowledge.

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Louis Pasteur invented pasteurization.

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Louis Pasteur and Emily Roux for rabies, and Louis Pasteur for pasteurization.

What process is named after Louis Pasteur?

The process named after Louis Pasteur is pasteurization, which involves heating liquids like milk or wine to a temperature that kills harmful bacteria without significantly altering the product's taste or quality.