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Q: How could the amount of precipitation affect the number of organisms living in an environment?
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How could the amount of precipitation affect the of oranisms living in an environment?

the precipitation can over load the environment with water and the soil would be to wet to produce crops

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How does elevation affect the amount of precipitation that falls over and what?

As theelevationrises, theprecipitationlowers

How can amount or concentration of nutrients affect the type of organisms found in freshwaters?

The amount of nutrients in freshwater will determine what type of organisms there are. If there is bacteria in the water, it may affect the nutrients and contaminate them, which will affect the organisms that live in the water.

How does temperature affect precipitation?

Precipitation does not directly affect the temperature. However, because there are often clouds that come with precipitation, this indirectly causes a drop in temperature.

What factors affect the amount of precipitation an area will get?

Factors that affect the amount of precipitation an area will receive include proximity to large bodies of water, prevailing wind patterns, topography, and air masses. Other factors such as temperature, humidity, and the presence of mountains or other geographic barriers also play a role in determining the amount of precipitation in an area.

What are the affects that affect the amount of runoff in a region?

Factors that affect the amount of runoff in a region include the amount and intensity of precipitation, slope of the land, soil type, vegetation cover, and human activities such as urbanization and deforestation. Higher precipitation, steep slopes, impermeable surfaces, and removal of vegetation can all increase runoff.

How does soil composition affect the number and types of organisms and environment can support?

Soil composition influences the amount of nutrients available for organisms, which in turn affects the types and number of organisms that can thrive in that environment. For instance, soils rich in organic matter can support a greater diversity of organisms compared to nutrient-poor soils. Additionally, soil pH, texture, and moisture content also play a role in determining the types of organisms that can inhabit a particular soil environment.

What is the total amount of amount of global precipitation?

I think the total amount for precipitation is 382,000km

What is the total amount of living matter and the remains of dead organisms in an area is the area's?

living environment

Does the amount of rain that falls in an area determine which organisms live there?

Yes, the amount of rain in an area can greatly influence the types of organisms that can thrive there. Organisms have adapted to specific precipitation levels, so more rain can support more diverse species while less rain may limit the types of organisms able to survive.

The total amount of living matter and the remains of dead organisms in an area is the area's what?

living environment