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That's what it's for. You send too much current through the fuse and it blows to keep the circuit from getting any more power.

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1mo ago

If a fuse blows due to an electrical overload or short circuit, it breaks the circuit and interrupts the flow of electricity, cutting off power to all devices downstream from the fuse. This essentially "kills" the electrical power because the protection mechanism of the fuse prevents further electricity from flowing into the circuit.

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What is the efficiency of battery energy to electrical energy?

Power output / Power input * 100 = %Efficiency For instance, 746 watts is equivalent to one horsepower. If an electric motor were 100% efficient, a 1HP motor would only draw 746 watts of electricity. Look in any motor catalog, and you will see that typical 1HP motors draw around 1100 watts. So: (746 / 1100) * 100 = 67.8% The example motor has a 68% electrical efficiency. You can apply the same formula to any electrical device - heaters, amplifiers, transformers, etc.

Wire nuts disable electrical connection?

Wire nuts are actually used to create secure and insulated electrical connections between wires. They twist onto the ends of the wires, creating a solid connection that is then typically covered with electrical tape for further insulation. If wire nuts are not properly twisted on or come loose, they can lead to a loss of connection, but when used correctly, they enable safe and reliable electrical connections.

Could a enlarged cranium magnum kill you?

yes it possibly could kill you unless you are careful with it ok is that good enough.

What is circuit protectors?

Circuit protectors are devices that are used to protect electrical circuits from overloads or short circuits. They quickly interrupt the flow of electricity in the circuit when a fault is detected, helping to prevent damage to the circuit and reducing the risk of fires. They are commonly found in electrical panels or power distribution systems.

Can hertz kill?

No, hertz cannot kill. Hertz is a unit of measurement used to express frequency, particularly in relation to electronic signals or waves. It does not have the ability to cause harm or kill organisms.

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Why would it be dangerous to replace a fuse with one a higher value?

The fuse would not "blow" when the critical power loading was reached. The power going into the appliance could exceed the safety level. At best this could damage the appliance - which will usually be more expensive than a fuse. At worst, it could lead to a short circuit and a fire which could destroy property and possibly kill!

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I have a polaris 2000 exsplorer 400. there is know electrical power at all it has a new battery i checked the fues its ok any one HELP...............

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