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Q: How come Torn meniscus still swollen after 4 months?
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Related questions

How many times has David torn his meniscus?

David has torn his meniscus twice.

Will the meniscus grow back?

No, if your meniscus is torn a surgeon can remove the torn part with a laser but later in life you will need to have a knee replacement.

Can you have a torn meniscus and not have pain?

yes you will have pain

Does a torn meniscus operation hurt?

yes, probobly

If someone has to have surgery for torn acl and meniscus how long will recory time take?

It take up to six weeks for the recovery time on a torn acl and meniscus surgery.

Can a torn tendon heal without surgery?

yes. it depends on where the meniscus is torn and how old the patient is.

How much does surgery cost for menicus torn knee?

How much does it cost to repair a torn meniscus

What is an average damage award in a lawsuit for a torn meniscus?


Can a torn meniscus affect the entire leg?

Yes, a torn meniscus can cause pain and swelling that may affect the entire leg. This is because the meniscus is a cartilage in the knee joint that helps with stability and smooth movement, so when it is torn, it can lead to pain and limitations in the knee joint and potentially affect the entire leg's function.

What is the Name the injury that involves the semilunar cartilages in the knee?

Torn meniscus

The name of the injury involving the semilunar cartilages in the knee is?

Torn Meniscus

I had a torn ACL and three years later my knee is popping. What up?

The ACL repair may have been damaged or torn. It may also be a meniscus tear. When you tear your meniscus, the knee seems to pop.