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Q: How close can a human get to the sun without burning?
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How close can a human get to the sun without getting burnt?

A person can't physically get too close to the sun without burning up due to its intense heat. The closest distance a spacecraft has come to the sun is about 4 million miles, and even at that distance, temperatures can reach over 250 degrees Fahrenheit.

How close can you get to the sun without burning?

Spacecraft can get as close as about 5 million miles to the sun without burning up, thanks to special heat shields and insulation. However, any object that gets closer to the sun would face extreme heat and radiation, which can cause it to break down or burn up.

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How close to the sun could you get without burning up?

The distance you can get to the sun without burning up depends on the protection and technology available. A spacecraft like the Parker Solar Probe has been able to get as close as 6.2 million kilometers to the sun's surface due to its advanced heat shield and thermal protection system. Without such technology, you would start experiencing extreme temperatures and damage much farther away from the sun.

Is a burning house hotter than the surface of the sun?

No way. Not even close.

Why does sun keep burning even without oxygen?

the sun burns from all the gases it creates naturally

How can the sun keep burning for so many years without burning out?

It really is burning out, but there is so much gas in it that it will really burn out after about ten billion years.

When was The Sun Is Burning created?

The Sun Is Burning was created in 1964.

Can a human be tall enough to touch the sun without jumping?


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If the sun die how is the earth and the human?

Without the sun, all life on earth will cease to exist.

What does spf stand fof?

Sun protection factor. It is a measure of how much longer you can stay in the sun, without burning, when compared to not wearing sunscreen.