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It depends how close the neighbors are, but solar panels and solar hot water on your roof should not affect them. Some power companies offer a choice of renewable energy, at a price.

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3mo ago

To use renewable energy resources without affecting neighbors, consider installing solar panels on your own property to generate electricity without producing noise or emissions. You can also use geothermal energy by installing a heat pump system, which is quiet and underground. Additionally, wind turbines can be placed strategically to minimize noise and visual impact on neighboring properties.

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Renewable resources are natural resources that can be replenished or regenerated within a human lifespan. They are sustainable sources of energy, such as sunlight, wind, and hydropower, which can be used without depleting the Earth's finite resources. Utilizing renewable resources helps reduce environmental impact and dependency on fossil fuels.

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Renewable energy sources are important, because we cannot continue using up non-renewable resources at the rate we are now. Eventually, those resources will become scarce, and we will be forced to adapt without being ready for it. Renewable energy sources ensure those resources are being used at a rate which guarantees those resources will still be available in the future, without requiring prices to sky-rocket due to decreasing supply and increasing demand.

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Examples of renewable energy resources found on Earth include solar power, wind power, hydropower, geothermal energy, and biomass. These resources are constantly replenished by natural processes and can be harnessed to generate electricity without depleting the Earth's finite resources.

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Can renewable resources be replenished?

Yes, renewable resources can be naturally replenished over time through biological or geophysical processes, such as sunlight, wind, and water. If managed sustainably, these resources can continue to provide energy or materials for human use without being depleted.

Is heat non-renewable?

No, heat is not non-renewable. Heat energy can be generated using renewable sources such as sunlight, geothermal heat, or biomass. Renewable sources of heat ensure that energy can be continuously produced without depleting finite resources.