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The best way, of course, is to check your favorite source for local weather.

There are some ways to guess that it'll snow, but by the time you do it will almost be happening, and you could save yourself time by checking the above.

Before a storm, typically you get get high cirrus that gradually lower - it may start with mid-level altostratus or altocumulus that lower and eventually turn into a grey overcast. It will often warm up closer to freezing if it has recently been warm, for dynamic reasons I won't get into. Actually, people who live off the land such as natives of the Arctic, are quite good at predicting the onset of storms.

Some people claim there is a smell to the air. I don't know how much truth there is to that, or why it would be true.

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13y ago
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3mo ago

You can tell a cold front is approaching by a drop in temperature, increasing wind speed, and the appearance of low pressure clouds like cumulus or cumulonimbus. This can also be accompanied by a shift in wind direction and sometimes precipitation.

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14y ago

Look at the weather forecast. Really, that's the best thing to do these days when there is so much data out there, especially from the upper atmosphere that is input into advanced computer models. Storms can be forecast if you have the tools so much better than just looking at the sky. If for some reason this is not possible, snow storms come in the same way most others do - high cirrus a day or two in advance, then altostratus (midlevel clouds) which lower to nimbus and begin to darken and precipitate.

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10y ago
  • As warm air rises, it expands and cools. The rising air soon reaches the dew point, the temperature at which the water vapor in the air condenses into droplets of water or form tiny ice crystals.
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13y ago

With a weather rock

this is an acient way to tell weather with a rock hanging on a string from a tripod

if the rock is wet it is raining

if the rock is moving its windy

if you can see the rocks shadow its sunny

if the rock has ice on it its snowing

if the rock is in a big crack in the ground theres been an earthquake

if the rocks covered in sand theres been sandstorm

if the rock is swirling above you TAKE COVER thers a tornado in your area

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16y ago

when October and novermber are warm it will be a cold winter but, if it is a cold two months it will be warm

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13y ago

A flurry is usually under 45.f a snow on the ground is 32.f a heavy snow is under 20.f but it has to be cloudy and it has to have a chance of rain on the forecast

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14y ago

because you see big foot land coming toward us so we know there's a snowstorm coming too.

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Q: How can you tell when a cold front is approaching?
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approaching strong low-pressure system. These conditions often occur when a cold front is moving into an area, bringing unstable atmospheric conditions with it. Wind and thunderstorms are common along and behind the cold front as the contrasting air masses interact.

What are the first sign of an approaching warm front?

The appearance of cirrus clouds is an early sign of an approaching warm front.

Why is it important to know how fast a front is moving?

If you know that a warm front is approaching, you can forecast when it will rain, and can cancel a barbecue. The warm front may have collected a lot of moisture as it passed over the ocean. Then, if it meets a cold front, rain will fall, or snow if in winter.

What type of front is approaching if you see cirrus clouds high in the sky EXPLAIN how you know?

A warm front is likely approaching if you see cirrus clouds high in the sky. These clouds are indicators of an advancing warm front because they form at high altitudes where warm air is being lifted over the cooler air present ahead of the front. This lifting of warm air can produce cirrus clouds, which are composed of ice crystals and are often thin and wispy in appearance.

What does this symbol indicate on a weather map when it have three triangles?

Three triangles on a weather map typically indicate a cold front, which is a boundary where cold air is advancing and replacing warmer air. This can result in changes in weather conditions such as temperature drops, wind shifts, and precipitation.

How can you tell a front is passing through your area?

The air behind a cold front is noticeably colder and drier than the air ahead of it. When a cold front passes through, temperatures can drop more than 15 degrees.

What color is a cold front on a weather map?

A cold front is typically represented by a blue line with triangles pointing towards the warmer air mass it is approaching on a weather map.

What is the first sign of an approaching warm front?

cirrus clouds

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How do you tell when thunder is coming?

Thunder storms occur when hot air and cold air run into each other. Therefore one way of predicting them is if you notice a cold front has come during warm weather, or a warm front during cold weather.