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avoid touch a dirty thing

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1w ago

To protect your sense of touch, you can avoid exposing your hands to extreme temperatures or harmful chemicals, wear appropriate protective gear when handling sharp objects or working with tools, and moisturize your skin regularly to prevent it from becoming dry or cracked. Additionally, seek medical attention for any injuries or conditions that affect your sense of touch.

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How do cheetahs use their sense of touch to survive?

Cheetahs use their sense of touch in a great number of ways. They use their sense of touch to see if their prey is dead.

What is related to sense of touch?

Sense of fell is related to sense of touch.

Is touch a chemical sense?

Touch is actually not considered to be a chemical sense. Touch is actually considered to be a physical type sense.

The sensory cortex is most critical for your sense of?

The sensory cortex is most critical for your sense of touch, as it processes and interprets information from your skin and other tactile receptors throughout your body. It plays a key role in translating these tactile sensations into meaningful experiences that allow you to interact with your environment.

What is lack of sense of touch?

Lack of sense of touch, known as hypoesthesia or numbness, is a condition where an individual may not feel tactile sensations or may have reduced sensitivity to touch. This can be caused by nerve damage, medical conditions like diabetes, or neurological disorders. It can affect a person's ability to feel pain, temperature changes, or pressure.

What is the medical term meaning diminished sense of touch?

Hypoesthesia is the term of a diminished sense of touch.

What is a sense appeal?

A sense appeal is when you let someone touch you ;)

Which is the first sense to be fully developed?

The sense of touch is the first sense to be fully developed in humans. It begins to develop in the womb and is already functional at birth.

What is a sense used when handling something?

The sense of touch is used when handling something. It allows us to feel the texture, weight, temperature, and shape of objects.

Who are the different specialists of the different senses?

Opthamologists specialize in vision (sense of sight), audiologists in hearing (sense of hearing), dermatologists in touch (sense of touch), and sommeliers in taste (sense of taste).

What is crude touch?

the opposite of fine touch, so it will be a more rough sense of touch. E!

What is the name of the sense organs that sense touch and taste?

tongue and skin