Introducing certain chemicals or materials to the fire can alter its color. Adding substances like copper chloride can create a black flame when burned. This is typically used in pyrotechnics and special effects.
Fire Water Burn was created in 1996.
A substance would only burn in a vacuum if it contained an oxidizer. There has to be an oxidizer for there to be fire. That doesn't mean that it requires oxygen, just a substance that facilitates the removal of electrons.
Fire and air do not typically combine to form a new substance. Fire requires oxygen from the air to burn, but they do not create a new compound when they interact.
A black dwarf does not burn anything. A black dwarf is the cooled remnant of a dead star.
you burn.....
Is there anything can appy to make pine wood burn in the fire place
Place the survival guide book on the wood then burn it with the black puffle let the black puffle be close to the wood then it goes burning.
The three things needed to make a fire burn, what is called the Fire Triangle, are 1] oxygen 2] heat 3] fuel
it will burn there food
No, salt does not make a fire burn hotter. Salt can actually have the opposite effect as it can help to smother a fire by cutting off the oxygen supply. It is not recommended to use salt to try to increase the intensity of a fire.
First, you go to the island with the Dino, and make a fire. Then you burn a pygmy until it turns black. Go to the ice island, and make an ice hole(By making the sun bigger and letting pygmies burn through the ice). Then you drop in the burned pygmy, and there you have it. The geyser.
you make a fire and burn it
The best way to make a fire burn hotter is to use the hottest burning logs that you can. Oak, Ash and Black Locust burn very hot. Feed them into the fire along with fast burning wood such as Maple to keep the fire raging. If you do not burn a fast burning wood with the Oak and Ash, they will burn very hot, but very slowly. The object is to make as many red hot coals from the Oak and Ash at the base of the fire as possible. That is where the heat from your fire will come from and the more coals the hotter the fire will feel. Additional information for those seeking info on other than fireplace fires It also helps to make a low side base surrounded by something and make it narrow at the top, so that all the fire is more focused in one spot. using all these ideas was what made the first copper, silver, and gold things. you may ask yourself how can you make a fire so hot that it burns metal but not whats surrounding it. rocks, carefully build rock kilns.
They get brighter because fire uses oxygen to burn. Fire needs oxygen heat and fuel. Without any of these you will have no fire. So blowing more oxygen into a fire will make it stronger.
If you have some rubber/plastic with you that burns black.
well not usually when you keep trying your best to make the flame from glass fire pits burn in colors of the glass
depends what it is but for most things yes