Because on got day there is less moisture in air so, the clothes dry faster on a hot day than a cool day.
Both tropical wet and tropical wet-and-dry climates are found near the equator and typically experience high temperatures year-round. The main difference is the amount of precipitation they receive: tropical wet climates have consistent rainfall throughout the year, while tropical wet-and-dry climates have distinct wet and dry seasons.
Countries with tropical wet and dry climates include India, Thailand, Mexico, Brazil, and Australia. These countries typically experience distinct wet and dry seasons throughout the year, with heavy rainfall during the wet season and drier conditions during the dry season.
Hotter temperatures increase the kinetic energy of the liquid molecules, causing them to move faster and escape into the air more easily. This increased energy disrupts the intermolecular forces holding the liquid together, leading to faster evaporation.
A wet shirt dries as the water on its surface evaporates into the air. The heat from the surroundings provides energy for the water molecules to break free and turn into vapor, causing the shirt to gradually dry. Wind can also help by carrying the water molecules away faster.
If your white shirt got wet and you want to dry it, put it in a dryer, or let it air out, outside, until it is dry.
If you want to dry your plate faster use a clean cloth.
It grows faster on a wet substance because its spores reproduce.
You can always get a runner's shirt made of water-repellent materials to keep you dry.
To dry a wet t-shirt faster, you can use a hairdryer on a medium to high heat setting or place the shirt in front of a fan. Another option is to roll the shirt in a towel to absorb excess moisture before hanging it in a well-ventilated area.
wet bread
Yes. A wet animal will cool faster than a dry animal. The evaporation of the water removes heat from the body and cools it.
A dry baseball would fly faster because it is not as heavy as a water-logged baseball.
evaporate due to the heat from the sun, causing them to escape into the air. This process removes moisture from the shirt, leaving it dry.