Generally a "species" is a group of organisms which will interbreed with each other but not with other organisms. This definition is sometimes a little vague because, in the animal kingdom, a horse will breed with a donkey to give a mule (which is sterile and won't breed with anything.) In the plant kingdom, the grey area between one species and the next is often much bigger. Klines exist where plants of the same species close by will interbreed but those of the same species further apart will not. There is often cross pollination between related plants and natural hybrids are common. Sometimes these hybrids will continue to breed and other times they will not. In the bacteria kingdom the line drawn between one species and the next is even more vague because bacterial cells can often absorb DNA from non related bacteria. Generally, a species is defined by accepted publication of some author. The rules for publication of plant species (and all taxa) are contained in the International code for botanical nomenclature. SEE RELATED LINKS BELOW Other branches of Biology also have their own rules.
The word is 'germane'.
The word is 'germane'.
Crepuscular is the word
Fungi is a kingdomGenus and species are written in italics eg Armillaria solidipesThe first word is the genus and always has a capital letter, the second word is the species
The word is "extinct." It refers to a species that no longer exists and has completely disappeared from the Earth.
Captive Breeding
Wisteria is a flower species. Flowers can wilt as they age.
Eugenics is the word that means movement to improve the human species through selective breeding or other processes.
Ode comes from a Latin word, of the same spelling, meaning lyric song. It also relates to the word 'aude' meaning voice, tone or sound. This, in classical use, defined a poem intended to be sung
a word that relates to technology
Many scientific concepts are of necessity vague, for instance species in biology cannot be precisely defined, owing to unclear cases such as ring species.
The word "lunar" relates to all things regarding the Moon.
"Grace" is a word that often relates to beauty, capturing a sense of elegance and charm.
Vauvta relates to currency and the exchange rates. For example, the valuta is the rate of one currency, such as the American Dollar to another country's currency, such as the Euro. It is Latin for the word "value".
Interbreeding is the mating of individuals from different populations or closely related species. It results in genetic mixing and can lead to the creation of hybrid offspring with traits from both parent populations. Interbreeding can occur naturally or be facilitated by humans in breeding programs.
Breaking the word down, one can draw Aristotle from it. The word relates to Aristotle and anything that relates to him. It describes his work, and anything that pertains to Aristotle at all.