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Q: How can the growth of the population bring about the disappearance of another population during the process of succession?
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Why is succession considered an ongoing process?

Succession is the sequence in which one person after another succeeds to a title, throne or estate. There is always a replacement, and that is why it is an ongoing process.

What is the process by which one community gradually changes into another?

Ecological Succession--The gradual replacement of one community by anotherPrimary Succession--Ecological succession that happens where there are few, if any, living things.Secondary Succession--Ecological succession in a place where a community already exists.

What is the process by which one community replaces another that has been partially or totally destroyed?

Succession is the process by which one community replaces another that has been partially or totally destroyed. It typically starts with pioneer species colonizing the area, followed by a series of other species that gradually change the structure and composition of the community until reaching a stable state.

What is a stable mix of population expected in a given area following the process of succession called?

A stable mix of population expected in a given area following the process of succession is called a climax community. This is the final stage in the process of ecological succession, where the plant and animal species in the area have reached a state of equilibrium and are well adapted to the prevailing environmental conditions.

What influence do humans have in succession?

Human beings influence succession by suspending succession at one phase, for example, through forest fires. This causes the cycle to restart. Succession is the process by which a plant community replace another overtime.

What term is defined as a stable mix population expected in a given area following the process of succession?

climax community

What term is defined as a stable mix of population expected in a given area following the process of succession?

climax community

Which is the process by which one type of community replaces another within an ecosystem?

It Is Called Ecological Succession

What is the Process in which one community replaces another community that has been damaged or destroyed?

Secondary Succession

What is the end result of the succession process called?

No because the process of succession will not end if the land is not disturbed.

What is Succession is the process of in a community.?

Succession is the process of natural changes that occur in a community over time, where one group of species is replaced by another. It generally involves a series of stages leading to a more complex and diverse ecosystem. Succession can be primary, starting from bare rock or soil, or secondary, following a disturbance like fire or flooding.

What is succession affected by?

The process succession is affected by various factors. The ecosystem and the different species available mainly affect succession.