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Genes that code for diseases resistance can be added to plant DNA.

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Plants can be made hardier through genetic modification by introducing genes that encode for traits such as resistance to pests, diseases, and abiotic stresses like drought or extreme temperatures. These genes are typically sourced from other plants or organisms known to possess the desired traits. By incorporating these genes into the plant's genome, scientists can enhance its ability to survive and thrive in challenging environments.

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Q: How can plants be made hardier through genetic modification?
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What technique has been used to modify agricultural plants?

Genetic engineering techniques, such as CRISPR-Cas9, have been used to modify agricultural plants by introducing specific desired traits or genes into their DNA, leading to improved crop yield, resistance to pests or diseases, and tolerance to environmental stressors.

What types of plants are being modified?

do you mean genetic modification? mostly soybean and potatoes, a bit of corn and rice. if you mean any kind of modification then all plant life undergoes modifications all the time

What is a hybrid variety?

A hybrid variety is created by crossing two different parent plants to produce offspring with desired traits, such as disease resistance or improved yield. These hybrids result in plants that exhibit characteristics from both parents, and are commonly used in agriculture to enhance crop performance.

What is hybrid variety?

Hybrid varieties are those which are developed through crossing two plants of the same species. It is distinguishable from genetic modification because it is accomplished without manipulating the DNA through physically cutting a gene from one plant and then inserting it into another. It is also different from genetic engineering in that hybridization crosses plants of the same or similar species and genetic engineering removes a gene or gene from one species, such as a bacteria or virus, and inserts it into a totally different species, such as corn or soy.

Where are gm crops currently grow?

GM crops are currently grown in many countries around the world, including the United States, Brazil, Argentina, India, and Canada. These crops are predominantly genetically modified to enhance traits such as resistance to pests, diseases, and herbicides, as well as to improve yields and nutritional content.

What typeof organisms can increase genetic variation through reproduction?

both plants and animals

What is one advantage of using genetic modification?

Some advantages are that they can make plants pest resistance, disease resistance, cold resistance, bigger in size and tastier.

Why do plants undergo modification?

Plants undergo modifications to adapt to their environment, increase their chances of survival, and enhance their reproductive success. These modifications can include changes in structure, physiology, or behavior to meet the challenges posed by their surroundings, such as dealing with extreme temperatures, limited water availability, or competing for resources.

Identical genetic copies are known as?

Identical genetic copies are known as clones. Clones are produced by asexual reproduction, such as in plants or bacteria, or through genetic engineering techniques in animals.

What is the difference between a clone organism and a transgenic organism?

A clone organism is an exact genetic copy of another organism, created through asexual reproduction, while a transgenic organism has had DNA from a different species inserted into its genome through genetic engineering. Clones have the same genetic makeup, while transgenic organisms have genes from different species.

What is the difference between genetically modified plants and hybrid plant varieties which are produced by selective breeding?

Hybrid plants are selectively bred within a species (corn with corn, lilacs with lilacs, tomatoes with tomatoes, etc.), mostly by pollinating one kind of the same species with another. Genetic modification involves taking a gene or genes from one species and forcing them into the seeds of another species in a lab. Hybridization is vertical breeding (within a species) and genetic modification is horizontal breeding (between species).

Why plants differ from one another?

Genetic diversity through genetic adaptation. Put simply - over thousands and millions of years, plants have adapted to their specific living conditions - to enable them to survive long enough to reproduce.