Remember that push or pull is force. Magnetic can be a push or pull because magnets has a kind of attraction force that attracts objects to itself and can also repel objects from itself. If we take two magnets into action we can demonstrate bothphenomenons. Magnets have a north and south pole, if we make face a south and a north pole of the magnets they will eventually attract each other and will stick together and if we make face the north pole of one magnet to the other north pole of the magnet they repeal (push) each other apart.
Remember that this phenomenons of magnetic attractions are not applied to every single thing but limited to its opponent or limited to the objects that it can apply the push or pull strategy.
Yes, when you push repelling magnets together, there is potential energy stored in the system due to the work done to compress the magnetic field. This potential energy is stored in the magnetic field surrounding the magnets. When you release the magnets, this stored energy is converted back to kinetic energy as the magnets repel each other.
Magnetic Repulsion
You could use magnets to push things like another magnet or you could pull metal things to it.
When two magnets push away from each other, it is called repulsion. This occurs because the magnetic fields produced by the magnets interact in such a way that they repel each other.
they reple
One standard push mowers they help make the spark for the spark plug. On riding mowers and electric start push mowers they do the same and there is another set of magnets that charge the battery.
the pushing apart of magnets is known as repulsion as they are pushing away from each other. The opposite to this is attraction
If the magnets are attracting each other, they will pull together. If they are repelling each other, they will push apart.
When you push two horseshoe magnets together with like poles facing each other, they will repel each other due to the magnetic force. If you turn one of the magnets around so that opposite poles face each other, they will attract each other.
The force of magnetism.
A magnetic field surrounds each magnet, and affects other magnets. That is correct, AND we know the other two are not possible candidates!