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Ice cores contain trapped air bubbles with ancient atmospheric gases that can be analyzed to reconstruct past temperatures. Isotopic composition of oxygen and hydrogen in ice can also give clues about past temperature variations. By studying these factors in ice cores, scientists can reconstruct past climate conditions and temperatures.

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Q: How can ice cores tell us what the temperature was?
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What can layers of Arctic Ice tell us about atmospheric changes?

Layers of Arctic ice can provide valuable information about past atmospheric changes by trapping air bubbles containing gases like carbon dioxide. Analysis of these gases can help scientists understand historical levels of greenhouse gases and infer past climate conditions. Additionally, the chemical composition of the ice layers can indicate changes in temperature and precipitation patterns over time.

What can a star's spectrum tell us?

scientists can tell the stars composition and temperature from its spectrum. Hope tht helps :]

How do you know that the earth is getting warmer?

Satellites and weather stations take measurements all the time from all over the world. They tell us the temperature is rising.The fact that glaciers, ice caps and sea ice is melting is an indication.The fact that sea levels are rising is an indication.

How do scientists know the atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide that exist on earth hundreds or thousands of years ago?

Scientists use ice cores, tree rings, and sediment layers to analyze past atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide. Ice cores extracted from glaciers contain air bubbles trapped inside the ice, providing a record of ancient atmospheric composition. Tree rings and sediment layers also hold clues about carbon dioxide levels through isotopic analysis.

What evidence have scientists found to show that there were ice ages in the past?

Scientists have found evidence of ice ages through geological records like glacial deposits and landforms suggesting past glaciation. They also study ice cores and sediment layers to track temperature fluctuations and ice sheet movements. Additionally, evidence from the distribution of fossil plants and animals shows how species responded to changing climates during ice age periods.

Related questions

How can ice cores be used to tell us how earths climate has changed over time?

Ice cores contain valuable information such as air bubbles and isotopic composition that can be used to reconstruct past climate conditions like temperature and atmospheric composition. By analyzing the layers of ice cores, scientists can track changes in these parameters over time and gain insights into how Earth's climate has evolved.

How do scientists study ice cores?

Scientists study ice cores by extracting cylindrical samples of ice from glaciers or ice sheets. These ice cores contain trapped air bubbles, dust particles, and other materials that provide information about past climate conditions. By analyzing the layers in the ice cores, scientists can reconstruct historical climate data, such as temperature and atmospheric composition, dating back thousands of years. This research helps us understand how the Earth's climate has changed over time and improve predictions for the future.

What can bubble of atmosphere trapped in glacial ice tell us?

they can tell you when the ice froze :$

How do the core samples from ice tells us about the atmosphere?

Core samples from ice contain information about past atmospheric composition and climate conditions. By analyzing gas bubbles trapped in ice cores, scientists can determine levels of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and methane over time. Isotopic analysis of the ice can also provide insights into temperature fluctuations and changes in atmospheric circulation patterns.

What is the equivalent temperature on the celsius scale?

You need to tell us what temperature you want to convert - and from which temperature scale !

What does temperature tell us about atoms?

Temperature is related to the average energy per particle.

What does the cricket's sound tell us about the temperature?

it is wanting rain

How do tree rings and ice core help scientist understand how earth has changed overtime?

Tree rings and ice cores provide valuable information about past climate conditions. Tree rings can show annual growth patterns which are influenced by factors like temperature and precipitation, while ice cores contain air bubbles and particles that can reveal past atmospheric composition and temperatures. By analyzing these samples, scientists can reconstruct past environmental conditions and study how the Earth's climate has changed over time.

What can layers of Arctic Ice tell us about atmospheric changes?

Layers of Arctic ice can provide valuable information about past atmospheric changes by trapping air bubbles containing gases like carbon dioxide. Analysis of these gases can help scientists understand historical levels of greenhouse gases and infer past climate conditions. Additionally, the chemical composition of the ice layers can indicate changes in temperature and precipitation patterns over time.

What does the color of the sun tell us?

It shows the temperature of the sun. How hot of how cold.

Why do scientits go to Antarctica?

They go there because they want to get the ice cores and and see what temperature it was in antarctica. They are focusing on biology, geology, ice and climate changes. They are very facinated of Antarctica but people want to stop them fromdoing experiments. But most people think that it is better for all of us because they can check the global warming.

Why are Eskimos igloos built from blocks of ice?

i dont know please tell us wikipedia