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Habitat alteration is a change that occurs particularly in the environment where organisms live and is considered as a threat to the survival of every known species. Alteration in habitat is usually caused by urbanization, overfishing, agriculture and coastal development.

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Its where a animal or person has to adapt to their surroundings in order to survive, They have to change the way they live so they can stay alive.

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Q: How can habitat alteration affect biodiversity?
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Most of the loss of biodiversity in ecosystems is caused by .?

loss of habitat

How do zebra mussels affect the biodiversity of the Great Lakes?

they invade the habitat of other organisms living there and they start to overtake the lakes which decreases the biodiversity in the great lakes.

Why are habitat loss and division of habitat threats to biodiversity?


How did urban sprawl contribute to the change in biodiversity?

It reduced wildlife habitat and biodiversity.

Each habitat supports a variety of plant and animal life called?

B. biodiversity

How biodiversity could be conserved?

Biodiversity can be protected by: Captive breeding Habitat preservation Laws

Why are habitat loss and habitat division threats to biodiversity?

By biodiversity animals not being able to live where they are native

A type of habitat alteration that involves breaking up large habitats into smaller ones is?

Fragmentation is the type of habitat alteration that involves breaking up a large habitat into several smaller ones. Fragmentation often contributes to a species becoming endangered.

The Factors that affect the BIODIVERSITY of an ecosystem.?

Factors that affect the biodiversity of an ecosystem include habitat destruction, climate change, invasive species, pollution, overexploitation of resources, and disease outbreaks. These factors can disrupt the balance of an ecosystem and lead to the loss of species diversity, reducing the ecosystem's ability to support life. Conservation efforts are essential to mitigate these threats and protect biodiversity.

Habitat fragmentation usually leads to what?

a decrease in biodiversity.

Explain why habitat loss and habitat division are threats to biodiversity?

Habitat loss reduces the available living space for species, making it harder for them to find food, shelter, and mates. This can lead to population declines and even extinctions. Habitat division fragments ecosystems, isolating populations and reducing genetic diversity, which can disrupt ecological processes and make species more vulnerable to threats.

How can a particular environmental factor affect biodiversity?

An environmental factor can affect biodiversity by altering the availability of resources for different species, changing habitat conditions, or disrupting ecological relationships. For example, pollution can lead to habitat degradation and decrease species diversity, while climate change can shift temperature and precipitation patterns, impacting the distribution and abundance of various species.