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CO2 production can be considered a measure of Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) because the body's metabolic processes generate heat and energy during periods of rest. BMR is the amount of energy expended by the body at rest to maintain basic physiological functions, which involves the production of CO2 as a byproduct of cellular respiration. Therefore, measuring CO2 production can provide an indirect estimate of the body's metabolic rate and energy expenditure.

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Q: How can co2 production considered a measure of bmr?
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What are three ways to measure photosynthetic rate?

I found four ways, so take your pick :) 1) measure the uptake of CO2 2) measure the production of O2 3) measure the production of carbohydrates 4) measure the increase in dry mass

Is the production of CO2 from limestone is economically viable?

The production of CO2 from limestone, known as calcination, is not a direct way to produce CO2 as it releases it as a byproduct. Economically, this process can be viable in industries that can capture and utilize the released CO2, such as in the production of cement or in carbon capture and storage technologies.

What kind of test show CO2 production in respiration?

A respirometer test can be used to measure the CO2 production in respiration. This test involves placing a living organism in a sealed chamber and measuring the changes in gas levels to determine the rate of oxygen consumption and CO2 production. The respirometer can help researchers understand the metabolic activity and energy expenditure of the organism.

Why does measuring changes in O2 or CO2 allow you to measure metabolic rate?

Measuring changes in O2 or CO2 levels allows you to indirectly assess metabolic rate because oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production are byproducts of cellular respiration. Higher rates of metabolism lead to increased oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production, providing a way to estimate an organism's metabolic activity.

How do you make and capture 100ml of CO2 at home?

To make and capture 100ml of CO2 at home, you can mix a mixture of vinegar and baking soda in a container and then quickly seal it with a balloon. As the reaction occurs, the CO2 will fill the balloon. To measure the volume accurately, you can use a syringe to extract and measure the CO2. Remember to handle chemicals safely.

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What are three ways to measure photosynthetic rate?

I found four ways, so take your pick :) 1) measure the uptake of CO2 2) measure the production of O2 3) measure the production of carbohydrates 4) measure the increase in dry mass

Is the production of CO2 from limestone is economically viable?

The production of CO2 from limestone, known as calcination, is not a direct way to produce CO2 as it releases it as a byproduct. Economically, this process can be viable in industries that can capture and utilize the released CO2, such as in the production of cement or in carbon capture and storage technologies.

What kind of test show CO2 production in respiration?

A respirometer test can be used to measure the CO2 production in respiration. This test involves placing a living organism in a sealed chamber and measuring the changes in gas levels to determine the rate of oxygen consumption and CO2 production. The respirometer can help researchers understand the metabolic activity and energy expenditure of the organism.

CO2 production from 1 gallon gasolene?

yes there is CO2 that comes out of gasoline

What happens to the rate of oxygen production when more than 200ppm CO2 is added?

When more than 200ppm of CO2 is added, the rate of oxygen production during photosynthesis may decrease. This is because high levels of CO2 can inhibit the enzymes responsible for photosynthesis in plants, leading to a decrease in oxygen production.

How does laundry realese CO2?

Laundry requires energy, energy generation usually releases CO2 to the atmosphere.Additionally, production of detergents also results in CO2 emissions.

Does compost emit co2?

some, but much less than the amount it absorbs. Also, as an alternative to fertilizer, it reduces co2 (fertilizer production admits a lot of co2)

What is the pH of CuO and CO2?

The pH of solid compounds like CuO (Copper(II) oxide) and CO2 (Carbon dioxide) cannot be directly measured because pH is a measure of the concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution. However, when these compounds react with water or are dissolved in water, they can form acidic solutions due to the production of acidic species like carbonic acid from CO2.

Is CO2 a nonelectrolyte?

Yes, CO2 is considered a nonelectrolyte as it does not dissociate into ions in solution. It remains as a covalent molecule.

Do cars emit co2?

Yes, infact vehicles are considered to be the main contributor to the Co2 in the atmosphere

Is TIG Welder is also considered as Co2 welder?

No , although Co2 may be used , along with other gasses , a welder using this process is not considered a Co2 welder . TIG stands for tungsten Inert Gas , so the welder is considered / called a TIG Welder.

Why does measuring changes in O2 or CO2 allow you to measure metabolic rate?

Measuring changes in O2 or CO2 levels allows you to indirectly assess metabolic rate because oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production are byproducts of cellular respiration. Higher rates of metabolism lead to increased oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production, providing a way to estimate an organism's metabolic activity.