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The remains in question are the shells, as a source of calcium carbonate derived originally by the animal from solution in the sea-water..

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Q: How can a type of rock called limestone can form from the remains of sea organisms?
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What type of rocks form from the remains of organisms?


Where did you probably find a deposit of limestone what type of setting did it form in?

Limestone is formed on the floor of ancient seas from the skeletal remains of marine organisms such as coral, forams and molluscs, etc.

Minerals seeping into an organisms remains form what?

Minerals seeping into an organisms remains form fossils. sediment

How do rocks such as limestone and marble form?

Limestone - sedimentary deposition of calcarious marine organisms. Marble - compressed (metamorphosed) limestone.

Which sedimentary rock is made of Skeletal remains of organisms?

Limestone is a sedimentary rock that is made predominantly of skeletal remains of marine organisms, such as corals, mollusks, and foraminifera. These remains accumulate and undergo compaction and cementation over time to form limestone rock.

What is limstone made from?

Limestone is a sedimentary rock primarily made up of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) derived from the remnants of marine organisms like coral and shells. Over millions of years, these remains accumulate and undergo lithification to form limestone rocks.

What type of limestone is used in classrooms?

The type of limestone commonly used in classrooms is usually a sedimentary rock called chalk, which is made up of the skeletal remains of marine organisms like foraminifera and coccolithophores. Chalk is often used on chalkboards due to its softness and ability to make vibrant marks.

What rock is form from skeletal remains pf coral and lime-secreting sea animals?


What is a grainy form of limestone called?


Can material accumulated from the remains of plants and animals produce limestone?

Yes, material accumulated from the remains of plants and animals can contribute to the formation of limestone. Limestone is primarily made up of calcium carbonate, and the shells, skeletons, and other debris of marine organisms, as well as plant matter, can all contain calcium carbonate. Over time, these materials can accumulate and be compacted to form limestone.

What sedimentary rock forms inside of limestone?

One possible answer is that chert can form inside of limestone. Chert is a microcrystalline sedimentary rock that forms from the accumulation of silica-rich remains of marine organisms, such as diatoms or radiolarians. Another possibility is travertine, which is a type of limestone that forms from the precipitation of calcium carbonate from water, typically in caves or hot springs.

How was the rock made?

Chalk is a form of limestone composed of the skeletons and secretions of small marine organisms.