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The obvious reason is that the specific star has bigger density compared with the Sun.

For example, that star could be a "white dwarf star". A white dwarf mostly contains "electron degenerate matter", which is very dense. A white dwarf is a small dense star.

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Q: How can a star that has more mass than the sun be smaller than your sun?
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it can get smaller than an atom

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You know the white dwarf stars Sirius B has a mass comparable to the Sun because of?

its high density because even though it is much smaller in size, the mass of Sirius B is similar to that of the Sun. This high density is a result of the star's core being highly compressed due to gravitational forces, causing it to have a mass comparable to the Sun.

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Larger objects have more gravity than smaller objects because they have more mass. Gravity is directly proportional to an object's mass - the more mass an object has, the stronger its gravitational pull. This is described by Newton's law of universal gravitation.