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The world used to be very different. It used to be covered in water, allowing animals to swim to different continents. Either the animal died and sunk, or was stranded by the reducing waters and died that way. :)

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Q: How can a fossil freshwater reptile be found both in Brazil and Africa?
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How does Mesosaurus fossils support the past existence of Pangaea?

Mesosaurus fossils found in both South America and Africa suggest that these continents were once connected. Mesosaurus was a freshwater reptile, incapable of crossing vast oceans, which implies the existence of a single landmass – Pangaea – where the species lived and later separated due to continental drift.

What was the name of the reptile fossil?

quel sont les ancetres des reptiles

What was the fossil that was found on different continents and was used to support the theory of continental drift?

The fossil that was found on different continents and used to support the theory of continental drift is the Mesosaurus. This extinct freshwater reptile had limited swimming abilities, making it unlikely that it could have crossed vast oceans. Its distribution on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean provided evidence of land connections that later formed the basis for the theory of continental drift.

Fossil and genetic evidence strongly support the idea that modern humans?

Fossil and genetic evidence strongly support the idea that modern humans originated in Africa around 200,000 years ago and migrated out of Africa to populate the rest of the world. This is known as the "Out of Africa" theory, which is supported by both fossil records and genetic studies.

What obeservation led Alfred Wegener to develop a hypothesis of continental drift?

Alfred Wegener developed the hypothesis of continental drift after observing similar rock formations, fossils, and ancient climates on different continents that suggested they were once connected. He proposed that a supercontinent called Pangea had once existed and gradually drifted apart over time.

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What evidence did Alfred we genre use to support his theory of continental?

Wegener knew that fossil plants and animals such as mesosaurs, a freshwater reptile found only South America and Africa during the Permian period, could be found on many continents.

How can you tell a reptile's fossil from a dinosaurs fossil?

a dinosaurs fossil is alot bigger than a retile's

What is a reptile called a living fossil in New Zealand?

a tuatara, maybe? :)

How does Mesosaurus fossils support the past existence of Pangaea?

Mesosaurus fossils found in both South America and Africa suggest that these continents were once connected. Mesosaurus was a freshwater reptile, incapable of crossing vast oceans, which implies the existence of a single landmass – Pangaea – where the species lived and later separated due to continental drift.

What was the name of the reptile fossil?

quel sont les ancetres des reptiles

Which part of an anicent reptile would you expect to see in a rock fossil?

A global flooding.

Continent with oldest fossil?


Is titanoboa a mammal?

titanaboa belongs in the fossil age, they once existed and belong to the reptile race; crocodiles / alligators and boa are from the same period and are the last of its kind, aside from creatures of the deep

Name a fossil that was found on different continents and was used to support the theory of continental drift?

The fossil of Mesosaurus, a small aquatic reptile, was found in both South America and Africa. Its presence on different continents was used as evidence to support the theory of continental drift, as it suggested that the continents were once connected and later drifted apart.

Which native new zealand reptile kown as a living fossil?

The Tuatara - the only ''living'' dinosaur left on the planet.

When did they find triceratops fossil?

In USA, Aus and Africa

What was the continent was the earliest fossil evidence found?
