The formula is that kW^2 + kVAR^2 equals kVA^2 or if you prefer, the kW and the kVAR are the two sides of a right angled triangle and the kVA is the hypotenuse.
So here you have a 3-4-5 triangle times 140, in other words 420-560-700, and the kVAR is 420.
To calculate kVAR, first find the apparent power (S) using the formula: S = √(P^2 + Q^2), where P is the real power (in kW) and Q is the reactive power (in kVAR). Given P = 560 kW and kVA = 700, kVA = √(P^2 + Q^2) implies 700 = √(560^2 + Q^2). Solve for Q to find the reactive power kVAR.
To find KVAR, we can use the formula: KVAR^2 = KVA^2 - KW^2. Plug in the values given: KVAR^2 = 1750^2 - 1225^2. Calculating this gives KVAR = 1050.
To convert KVA to KW, you need to know the power factor of the system. Assuming a power factor of 0.8 (common for many systems), the formula for converting KVA to KW is KW = KVA * power factor. With a KVA of 150 and a power factor of 0.8, the KW would be 150 * 0.8 = 120 KW.
0 - 1000. KVA times a power factor gives you kilowatts, 1000 x watts. If the power factor is 0, then o watts make up your one kVA; if the power factor is 1, then 1000 watts make up your one kVA. Typical power factor is in the range of .8 to 1.
KVA is a rating for complex power (real + reactive power): KVA = KVAR + KW Also, there is 1000KVA in 1MVA, so there's at least 1000KVA in 1MW, but if the reactive power load is very high, there may be substantially more KVA.
To calculate kilovolt-amps (kVA) when kilowatts (kW) is known, you can use the formula: kVA = kW / power factor. The power factor is the ratio of real power (kW) to apparent power (kVA) in an electrical circuit.
kvar = kva*sin@
kvar = kva*sin@
kvar can be calculated as follows the a product KVA andt the sine of the angle between the KVA and KW.
kvar can be calculated as follows the a product KVA andt the sine of the angle between the KVA and KW.
To find KVAR, we can use the formula: KVAR^2 = KVA^2 - KW^2. Plug in the values given: KVAR^2 = 1750^2 - 1225^2. Calculating this gives KVAR = 1050.
The same way, as you convert Appels to Carrots ........... There is a formula: KVAr = KVA / KW or cos=KW/KVA > Yes, we are treating KW, KVA, & KVAr as the 3 sides in a 90 deg TRIANGLE ! KW= vertical katede KVAr = horizontal katede KVA = hypotenuse
kV is kilovolts, kW is kilowatts, kVA is kilovolt amps and kVAR is kilovolt-amps reactive. A common formula is kVA-squared = kW-squared + kVAR-squared.
For normal power factors (pf=80%), you have 0.8 kW for every kva. In general however, kW = pf x kVA. Where pf is the power factor, it is the cosine of the angular difference between the voltage and the current of a circuit in alternating current circuits.
{| |- | capacitance of the capacitor is mentioned in KVAR. Formula : KVAR = KW*tan@ FOR tan@, First note the power factor & KW without connecting capacitor. The noted power factor is in cos@.Convert the cos@ value in tan@. for ex. If power factor is 0.6, KW = 200 cos@ = 0.6 cos-1 (0.6) = 53.1 tan (53.1) = 1.333 200*1.333 = 266.6 KVAR if you use 266 KVAR capacitor, Then the power factor improves to unity (1.000). |}
Depending upon the connected load ( R, RL, RC or RLC) with a transformer, the power goes ou from a transformer may be of two types: 1. Active Power; measured in kW 2. Reactive Power; measured in kVAR If the rating will be in kW, then kVAR rating would not be accounted but if the rating is in kVA then it is possible for us to calculate the total active and reactive current as well as the powers, at a particular system voltage!
When the power factor is leading, the capacitive kVAr is more than the Inductive kVAr and this still has to be supplied by the source. As kVA is the vector sum of kW and kVAr, still for the given kW, you have to produce more kVA. Alternately, for the given kVA, you can only convert partially into useful work. Secondary effects are voltage boost in the system, availability of stored energy to feed the fault in case of a fault, increase in the asymmetrical component of fault current, increasing thus the peak value of the fault current, etc.
To convert KVA to KW, you need to know the power factor of the system. Assuming a power factor of 0.8 (common for many systems), the formula for converting KVA to KW is KW = KVA * power factor. With a KVA of 150 and a power factor of 0.8, the KW would be 150 * 0.8 = 120 KW.